Arthritis, Stop The Pain!

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Hello Fellow Arthritis Suffer,

 I have battled Arthritis pain for over 30 years. And I have done everything U.S. Doctors said I should. This led me to a world of painkillers. Hydrocodone, methadone, Oxycontin, Oxycodone,  Fentanyl, etc. Which bring all of their own side effects. I have the disease Ankylosing Spondylitis.  It's in the  Rheumatoid Arthritis Family, however it includes Fibromyalgia and Crohn's .. An auto immune disease, which means the bad stuff inside attacks the good. In my case, my spine is naturally fused from top to bottom causing mobility issues and debilitating pain.

 After all of this pain control I recently decided that if I were to change my diet, maybe I could control how much pain I feel. So, we (my wife and I) began the research of what I could eat that would NOT cause Inflammation.  Inflammation is like the sore that you get when you bump something. However it swells on the inside and prevents mobility. Most people think that if food is good, it must be good for you. Some people figured that if food is ALL NATURAL, that it must be good for you. Both are not accurate. 

If you are prone to Arthritis, then you need to watch what you eat if you want to live pain free. Things like a tomato is healthy from the ground, all natural but is not good for people with Arthritis. I am in the process of writing a tell all book about my health and how it changed after I stopped eating the things that hurt me. My Pain is GONE! Oh sure, I get tired easily after laying in bed for years, but that is all behind me. Headed to the swimming pool to begin building muscle and becoming active again. Begin by cutting out Sugars and Gluten flours. You will notice a difference by doing just that alone.

I will also be helping others who are having trouble with pain on this thread so check back.

As I put this book together, I will inform the steem community so if you follow me, you will be the first to know about it.

until next time.