The first time I saw this fruit, I thought it is a young coconut but it's not because the tree of this fruit is different from the coconut tree. So, I asked my neighbor for what is the name of the fruit, she told me that it is the miracle fruit. I wonder why it's called a miracle fruit, and she told me that it had many uses especially in medical purposes .
So I did my research about it.
Calabash tree or miracle tree is a small tree which can grow for about 25 feet and produce fruits up to 25 cm in diameter. The fruit is green in color,large and hard. This fruit takes up to 6 months to ripen and the fruit cannot be eaten directly.
Miracle fruit has many uses especially in medical purposes. Based on studies, the fruit and leaf extracts contain flavonoid, such as quercetin and anthraquinone, an important phytochemicals for antiangiogenic activities, a process that inhibits the growth and development of new blood vessels in the body. The researchers claimed that the extracts has the ability to prevent blood vessels growth and development. It could be use to prevent the spread of cancer cells in the body and it has a potential in lowering blood sugar. Also, this fruit used as a remedy for respiratory problems such as asthma and cough.
However, it is not advisable to pregnant women for it use to induce labor.
How to make juice?
I asked my neighbor on how to make a juice from miracle fruit and she told me that we need to choose those fruit that is more green in color. Then prepare the materials such as:
• Casserole
• Strainer
• Empty pitcher
• Saw
Use the saw to cut it because it is so hard and difficult to cut if you'll just use an ordinary knife.
Scrape the fruit using a spoon then put it in a casserole. Do not add water for it will produce later when boiled.
Let it boil for 30 minutes to 1 hour or until it get soft.
Place the strainer in the empty pitcher to separate the liquid from its pulp. Let it cool and refrigerate.
The color of the juice now is black. It may disgusting to drink because of the color but my neighbor said it is delicious, something sweet.
The miracle fruit is cost 300 to 400 pesos.
Have a good day ahead.Thank you for reading. Don't forget to follow me @tinyme.