Dam Coffee! I keep managing to stop drinking it but then have a relapse again :(
Happens frequently to me too.
I do have a problem, I'm getting head ache from coffee. I'm getting head ache if I drink too much of it, and I get a head ache if I stop drinking it. It should be pretty obvious that it's best for me to stay away ... still every now and then I'm relapsing.
Luckily ive not got to that stage with withdrawals, and dont plan to either :) Its so bad that it was yesterday I read this article, then went to work - and them remembered about it as I took the last gulp of the second latte.
Is there such things as Coffee Rehabs?!
Lol switch to decaf first (altho the cancer element is still present) at least it helps u to get of the caffeine side without sort of realizing because its exactly like coffee. Other suggestion is to find a tea u like and just bring the tea bags with u to work (herbal prefably) then u won't have to use milk (cruelty free) or looks at the last link about where u can buy these chicory coffee alternative. U might want to check out my latest article https://steemit.com/ecotrain/@celestialcow/5-health-foods-that-we-think-are-good-for-us-but-can-be-harmful
even with decaf I get the shakes, altough not so badly, i still feel it in the jaw. Is there such thing as caffeine sensitive? seriously i have exactlt the same effects from coffee, physically as I get from amphetamines lol.
Im just to avoid it all (the legal drugs I mean) its twisted lol
Drink lots of water if u get a headache but u need good water (filter it if u can) also hot lemon and water flushes out your system. U just got to train urself to reach for other drink alternative. I really like warm drinks and teas so it was quite easy for me to switch over to another kind of beverage.