World Glaucoma Week is an annual event aimed at raising awareness about glaucoma, a syndrome that can cause irreversible vision loss and blindness if left untreated.
The theme for this year's World Glaucoma Week is;
🔰" The world is bright,save your sight " 🔰
With emphasis on the importance of early detection and treatment of glaucoma to preserve vision.
Glaucoma is often referred to as the "silent thief of sight", because it can cause damage to the optic nerve without showing symptoms until vision loss occurs. This is why regular eye exams and screenings are so important in detecting and managing glaucoma. With early detection and appropriate treatment, vision loss can often be prevented, and people with glaucoma can continue to enjoy a bright and full life.
By raising awareness about glaucoma and the importance of regular eye exams, we can help prevent unnecessary vision loss and blindness.
Note also that glaucoma though prominent in the aged, can also affect young people.
Once you have a family history of glaucoma, or other risk factors of the disease, it is important to talk to your eye doctor about getting screened for glaucoma.
Remember, the world is bright and by taking care of your eyes, you can help ensure that you will be able to enjoy it for years to come.
Try visit an eye clinic to get your eyes tested today.