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RE: Learning to Run... again?

in #health7 years ago

Hey, that tee-shirt looks familiar!

waves hello from New Hampshire

Yowzers, what a rough road you've had! I'll spare you my own tale of woe (which sadly doesn't involve traveling across the pond), but I do have health goals in mind this year. I'm starting by building some stamina by walking up & down the stairs in our place for five minutes at a time, at least once a day. I also need to seriously make time to meditate - I keep getting that message, but haven't done anything about it yet. Wishing you a healthy 2018!


What a small world!!
I wish you luck with your stamina goals - for me just getting started is the hardest part, not that sticking with it is that much easier, but I hope you are able to do both! And I keep getting the notification as well. It's like I keep waiting for the app to meditate for me or something haha
Wishing you one as well:)

Ooo, wouldn't it be nice if the app actually did that? Then I'd just need one to wash the dishes, and one to... LOL

The more time I spend on the internet, the more I realize what a small world it truly is. Wicked happy to have bumped into a neighbor, regardless of your current address. 😊