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RE: How Much Anger is 'Normal'? The Role of Anger in Evolution And Maintaining Free Will / Balance.

in #health7 years ago

This is the PRIMARY reason why I generally ABHOR the "modern" cognitive-behavioral focus in the "mental health" system, where - because you can get a more TANGIBLE measurement of "results" - which ultimately makes it more easy for the insurance companies to justify and quantify costs, including drugging people up with massive amouts of eomtion-numbing neurotoxins - the "healers" focus on covering up the more "surface" components of "mental health", which merely drives these more innate, and fundamental, emotional factors deeper into the denail realm of the psyche. The end result is that you get a population SUCCUMBING to EPIDEMIC levels of drug addiction and violence (ex. mass/school shootings), etc...


I am no expert on CBT in average settings, I do know it can be used to go deeper if that is the intention. I agree, though, that suppression of symptoms is the usual path in modern treatment settings - for a variety of reasons, including convenience and a general lack of understanding of what is really needed. To some extent, the logic appears to be: "if the patient isn't screaming and I can tick the right boxes, then I'll get paid and a pat on the back".