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RE: Lose Your Shoes - The Benefits Of Being Barefoot

in #health8 years ago

I don't approve of going barefoot on city streets. It is an opportunity to have intimate contact with billions of human pathogens. Bums and sick people spit, vomit , piss and defecate on city streets and spread the stuff around. Walking with shoes insulates you from that crud to a degree and you can remove them when you get home.

If you walk barefoot on the streets and don't wash your feet every night before going to bed, you will only bring that crud into bed with you where you and your sleep mates will roll in it for hours.

Finally, shoes protect your feet from being penetrated by sharp objects like nails which can give you tetanus amongst myriad other diseases when you step on one. Get a tetanus shot if you are intent on going barefoot. Death by tetanus is not a pretty picture...


Am aware of tetanus yet I have no fear of it. It is not fatal seek if you are able to seek assistance.

Indeed, it is good practice as a barefooter to clean your feet before getting into a clean bed. Naturally. My sheets are white and the soles of my feet can be black after a day in a city.

How often I wonder do you wash the soles of your shoes? Does this mean your home is full of scary pathogens now?

If you saw my comment at the top you would already know that feet develop a tough layer when shoes are consistently not worn, just as nature intended for us. I am sorry for your that your soft layered feet will most likely suffer with pain if they were to walk on stones. For me it is an enjoyable feeling now.

If one stop thinking about all the reasons why they should not take them off they, they will find very quickly there is nothing at all to fear :)

I've stepped on all kinds of sharp things that cut my feet as a free-range kid. Rusty nails, broken glass, you name it. Never got shot. Never been vaccinated. Still alive and healthy.

Don't believe everything doctors tell you especially in the US.

Have you ever met someone with tetanus? Me neither.

Brilliant! I remember stepping on a rusty drawing pin as a child which went fully into my foot. I just pulled it out and got on with having fun. But when I told my mother about it, she rushed me to hospital full of fear, to have an immediate tetanus jab.

Would my life have ended if I hadn't been rushed to hospital? I doubt it!

Yes, I have learned much about the medical industry and the millions of dollars that are being generated at our expense... and doctors are the last people I seek advice from when I get sick. That being said, I never get sick because I have a good understanding of what humans should be eating. But if I were to get sick I would always look for a plant based solution over a pharmaceutical one.

As far as I can see doctors are useful for emergency situations only. And even then, their techniques are often questionable.