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RE: How I DETOX'D my body using several methods to heal eczema, allergies & more. Many understandings & tips shared.

in #health8 years ago

I am very careful with the 'I' word - 'Incurable' ;)
I understand that our physical experience starts taking form in our non-physical aspects such as our mind/thoughts - so I aim to keep my thoughts open and not rigid.. That way the physical reality is open to greater change too.
I am glad that your husband's health is improving - You are inspiring me to accelerate my relocation to a sunnier spot too :)
I made a post about Angkor wat here recently, with some photos - I had an amazing experience there which I didn't write about because it requires a lot of explanation about our energy bodies and I didn't want to overwhelm readers.. but at some point I will explain. xo


Healthy food and mind are powerful tools. And anything to accelerate moving to the sun is a good thing! Sun does so many wonderful things with people. Looking forward to reading your story. Cambodia truly is a magical place. Even surrealistic at times. Have a great day!

Yes, I agree - thanks - have a great day too :)