Arguably some cookies might be marginally better than some kids cereal, yes.. Also better than many sauces too - they all tend to have sugar as the #1 ingredient!
I am not aware of any issues I have personally with substitutes - though I aim to avoid ones with high glycemic load (in general). Fruit sugars, in my opinion, are fine - yes.
Aspartame hurts when i ingest it. But, we both know how bad it is.
All the other artificial sweeteners play hell on my energy levels.
Stevia... i don't die from it, but i do not feel right after eating something with it.
And fruit sugars have to be balanced out. Small portions over long time periods.
I really like molasses.
And something that really is good for me, but you might never think it, sugar cane juice. (you take the sugar cane and run it through a roller mashing the juice out of it)
I am aware of the benefits of natural sugar cane and juice - yes; though we don't really get it here in Britain at all.