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RE: [Article] Common Misundertandings About HATE. Hate Is NOT Wrong - It Is Only A Valid Response Of Extreme Dislike.

in #health8 years ago

thanks for your comments and thoughts here. control is itself another entirely misunderstood concept that requires another post to be explained in depth. control requires the controller and the controlled.. and yet, emotions are part of us - they are our own energy moving - so to seek to control them is to create a futile and dysfunctional game of 'cat and mouse' where both the cat and the mouse are us!

the idea of attributing 'high and low' to frequencies of emotion is one that has no scientific foundation as far as I am aware. in a physics sense, the frequency of vibrations that are high frequency and low frequency has no equality with 'good' or 'bad' - for example, a high frequency sound is not 'good' and a bass sound is not 'bad'.

It is true that in an absolute sense a perfectly balanced and healthy reality will not include hate but that is only because everything that is hated will cease to exist for the experiencers involved and/or the beliefs involved in the creation of the hate will be released.

I write quite regularly on these topics and have worked with many people over 15 years with regards to emotional healing - you might find something relevant in this post on the topic to further explain my understandings: