To the cold and detached mind, our heart is 'merely a pump' - but what is often missed is that the physical is only a symbol presented in form. The underlying role of heart is to provide balancing functions for the rest of the self. When allowed, heart unifies thoughts/feelings in a loving way and this is necessary now, not only for health, but for the survival of all of us.
The biggest truth that is very rarely told is this. Our own being is inherently one with the entire universe and our own heart is key to us finding balance and even our own survival. Every dysfunction and point of pain we have ever known came into existence through a chain of events which began with the loss of involvement of our own heart or the heart of others.
Cause and effect are part of a continuum that is unbroken in life, there is no other way. Every decision and even thought and the resulting emotion changes the energetic composition of the universe and this has knock-on effects nearly infinitely. What can be easily missed and misunderstood is that discerning cause from effect is nearly impossible without the right understandings being present and balance being maintained in the thinker.
As a result of this major challenge to humanity, many people never even reach the level of true causality and have been stuck in the level of effects for their entire lives. In fact, entire societal norms are based on misunderstandings that have been normalised for so long that millions of people never question them and so their realities become cemented in place, while huge amounts of information and insight are withheld from their thinking mind as a result.
This is all a form of denial of reality and truth which itself creates a reality bubble that also brings with it a major loss of power, creative ability and love too.
Once you shift from the world of 'effects' towards finding the true causes for those effects, even once, the change can be dramatic. Such a shift is like discovering a missing puzzle piece that you have needed forever but felt that you would never find.
The physical heart is an EFFECT. All manifested body forms are effects from the causal level which is much more subtle than the gross physicality layers which the medical systems typically work with. This is part why the so called 'placebo' effect has such a huge 'power' in medical research - the power of the subtle aspects of self are greater than the physical even when we use them mostly unconsciously.
The CONSCIOUS use of our deepest levels is VERY potent when it comes to manifesting change in life, yet few will ever do so due to the heavy denials that are circulating in common mentality at this time on Earth. A huge amount of our thought process and beliefs are counter productive, leading us not to self discovery and expansion, but instead to compression, unconsciousness, dysfunction and eventually death.
Those who meditate sufficiently and direct their awareness inward are taking the first step to reaching the true causal layer in self and understanding the whys of their own body, life and even their own existence. One of the keywords here is 'subtle'. Our minds are typically heavily trained to over rely on physical things and completely discount subtle things - which is a huge limitation for us.
Just as the more sensitive among us will feel a huge difference in the vibrational quality of the energy and atmosphere in a very natural environment as compared to a synthetic, city environment, so too will we discern a huge difference in the energy field of someone who is more heart centred as opposed to other people. The difference is SUBTLE (at first), but extremely important.
The Earth is a living organisation of energy, sentience and form. The entire planet is this. Despite the obvious truth of this idea, there are many people who have allowed themselves to deny the obvious in favour of very limited thinking about what is right in front of them - often due to having accepted judgemental thoughts and beliefs presented as 'science', which skew perception and obscure important information.
At first glance, the difference between viewing Earth through a the lens of dry mentality and a more experiential, intuitive one may seem subtle and even unimportant. However, it will not take long once you start to deny the subtle feelings and energy fields involved before your mind is disconnected from them and they no longer provide insight and gift your mind with important information about many aspects of your reality.
Similarly, disconnecting from the subtle functions of the heart will create the same kind of result.
Just as people have recklessly polluted large parts of the planet, endangering the lives of everyone in the process - due to their own disconnection from subtle levels of themselves and each other - so too have people polluted their own bodies, minds and the whole of society due to disconnection from their own heart.
The heart is NOT just a pump for blood.
I'll say it again.
The heart is NOT just a pump for blood.
You need to feel this to understand it and herein lies part of the problem. Many people are not feeling sufficiently due to their own denials and so they are unable presently to tune in to what is being said here in a meaningful way. However, there is still a way to resolve this for them.
You have to start wherever you are and if you only have dry mentality left, then start there. You will have noticed that some people are a lot more emotional than others. While this has sometimes been judged to be some kind of illness on the part of the emotional people, the reality is more the other way around. Psychopathy is perhaps the most serious and dangerous psychological dysfunction and is primarily the absence of most emotions.
Those without a full spectrum of emotion are capable of the worst kinds of evil without a second thought. They lack the needed insight into reality to prevent them doing great harm to others and even themselves. Society typically locks up or even executes the most dangerous of them when they are found - yet if you investigate this area in psychology you will find that in general the 'experts' have no explanation as to the causes involved and the solutions. This is due to their own denial and involvement in the same patterns that cause psychopathy.
Every time we deny an emotion, whether consciously or unconsciously, we deny our own heart's true role, we deny balance and we inhibit our emotional system overall. Effectively the denial of the feeling and acceptance/expression of emotions is an act of internal violence that leads to long term scarring and inhibition of development.
Such emotional denial shuts down our heart and prevents it from being able to enable communication of thought and emotion in future. This is the root cause of suffering on Earth.
Our own heart holds the answers to our prayers and is fundamental to finding the solutions we need in all areas of life.
One of the main reasons why this has not been understood is because it has not been felt into deeply enough yet. One of the main causes for this in the chain of events is that the thinking mind tends to move much more quickly than emotions do and so not only can the emotions not keep up if not carefully nurtured, but the mind can easily judge them as inferior too.
The emotions are NOT inferior to thinking, they simply have their own evolutionary path and their own needs which are not the same as mental mind's needs/wants in all cases.
When the mind does not support emotions correctly, they go unprocessed and get backed up. This is the actual state of pretty much all people currently. This is why we have road rage and unexplained murders or mass killings. This is essentially why we have war - huge buildups of denied rage wait beneath the surface of many people looking for an opportunity to explode in an 'acceptable' way.
Typically, the confusion involved leads minds to try to fabricate illogical justifications for their angry and dysfunctional actions - since the mind is in so much denial of true feelings that it cannot understand why the person is doing what they are doing. Instead of saying 'Oh, I have a huge amount of pent up anger from the past', it will more likely invent a reason that other people in the present moment are to blame and then attack them in some way.
A focus on the heart is an important step in the process of resolving this in order to evolve, heal, learn and grow into balance.
It is not enough to just acknowledge you have a heart and that you may have misunderstood it's true role. You need to also integrate this into every moment and also actively engage in emotional expression, along with the release of limiting judgemental thoughts which restrict perception and the free flow of your energy.
Once you are free internally, you will be able to open up to a much wider range of perceptions and understandings than you were previously. You will likely find that many of the people you have judged were actually only those who were triggering you into looking at what you had been denying in yourself. True integrity and balance here promotes us to forgive and even apologise to these people if we have treated them poorly as a result of our own denials.
This is only a brief glimpse into what true healing can look and feel like, yet it is essential to understand.
A mind without emotion is cold and psychopathic. Emotions without the guidance of thought can be lost, confused and unregulated. Heartmind balances the two so that they don't overpower each other and the human form can then heal and life can improve on all levels.
We literally need to learn this and live this now in order for us to collectively not destroy the Earth. There is a reason why Earth is an anagram of Heart.
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul
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This was so beautiful to read, congratulation for explaining the matters of the heart so well! The energetic field of the heart overpowers everything else, this is why the better you become in the inside, the better you attract. I believe that if people would start to see life as an energy field they would understand that all of their actions towards other people are in fact actions towards themselves as we are all one. Have a great weekend and God bless you!
Thanks, I am glad you appreciated reading it. The heart is actually the only way to not overpower anything else - that is the main role of the heart - but I take your words to mean that the heart is very powerful, which it is. The magnetic draw of our will is very much involved in the heart and it is connecting to this aspect which we most need to learn to do and to recover.
Yes, the universe is like a vast sea of energy, we cannot pollute it without polluting ourselves in the process. We also can't keep dumping out energy and expect it to meaningfully solve our problems, they will always be drawn back to us whether in this life or the next!
Bless sings to you as well!
This kinda speaks to me, lately I've been slowly disconnecting from my emotions due to some traumas I've had to endure, I think it's time to hit the brake and rethink my emotional state! I wonder though, how are you so knowledgeable about the metaphysical? 🤔
the mind needs to notice that every decision to override and avoid real feelings is an act of self destruction! It's great that you are noticing the need to feel more, once we deeply connect to and hold onto the understanding that there is a need to rush to feel the feelings, instead of any other rush in life of any kind - then peace is much closer.
I have always had a lot of unusual experiences in my life which forced me to question everything as much as possible and I never stopped. I stopped my career and search for money for about 15 years and instead focused on learning, healing, balancing and evolving. I have made great progress but still have more to heal! <3
I recommend the books by Ceanne DeRohan if you want to learn more.
Thanks so much, I'll definitely check them out
So true. This field encompasses such a wide range. Sending positivity your side.
Thankyou, I will balance it with the receptive yin to find balance. :)
That's very nicely put. Yin ! Very good point. I also embrace the versatility of life. Rather than to seek for eternal happiness, sadness and emptiness makes one still remember these heartfelt feelings of being alive. Much appreciation.
Pretty sure the heart is where the soul comes in/joins physically as well
Different people use the word 'soul' in different ways. 'Psyche' actually means 'soul', so 'psychology' is 'soul logic'. For me, each person is a soul.
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