Vitamin D (VDR) - Vader's Steroid

in #health3 years ago (edited)


VDR, this stands for Vitamin D receptor. Every single one of your cells possesses these receptors and that is actually an enormous statement. Why?

Well because, vitamin d is actually a steroid prohormone. This is a game changer when it comes to physical performance and physiology.

If you knew the power of this steroid pro-hormone and it's action in the body you would forever be on it like I will be in the future. Let me tell you some of the amazing things it will do for your body.

  1. Your body needs vitamin D3, this is the active form. D2 is synthetic. Every cell needs vitamin D3 steroid.

  2. It is estimated that over 1 billion people are vitamin D3 deficient. This has major effects on energy levels and when the mitochondria energy factory stops you are opened to infinite amounts of problems due to the root cause of energy production breakdown.

  3. Vitamin D is activated at the genetic level and literally activates genes responsible for things like controlling inflamation, digestion, and differentiation of macrophages and strengthens them.

Here is from the Int' Journal of Molecular Science (2019):

The discovery of Vitamin D and its role in skeletal health can be traced back to the middle of the 17th century, to the English physician, Francis Glisson. He published a study titled “A treatise of rickets, as a disease common to children”, wherein he described rickets as an “absolutely new disease that has never been described in any of the ancient or modern books” [12]. The role of diet in this disease was not known at that time [13]. Several years later, Sir Edward Mellanby (1921) ascribed the cause of rickets to the deficiency of a fat-soluble vitamin [14]. However, the breakthrough discovery was when McCollum and his associates found that this fat-soluble entity was a dietary supplement and named it Vitamin D

Vitamin D3 levels are chronically low in most of the population. We can assume a margin of error usually to the higher end as deficiencies in the United States and especially the Middle East, China, parts of Europe and any place above 35 degrees latitude (IJMS Menhali).

After starting vitamin D3 I personally have noticed a tremendous change in my energy levels and what most doctors would consider chronic fatigue syndrome. I am about one week into deliberately supplementing this prohormone steroid compound our body needs in a tremendous way. Many more things to come about this but in another post...

There's not many sources of vitamin D3 contrary to what you might read on most health websites. For starters the 'Vitamin D' that they add in milk products (it's unnatural and heat burns away the nutrients and probiotics) is a synthetic Vitamin D2 which is not absorbed at all by our bodies in any way to bring up plasma concentrations of active Vitamin D3.
