Weight loss New Years resolution. Lies about cardio, that affect men, their weight loss, their testosterone and their muscle mass

in #health7 years ago (edited)

We've been told many ways how to exercise, how to stay healthy and full of energy.

We've all gone to the gym, doing high cardio, killing ourselves for a hour maybe a hour and a half 2 or 5 times a week, doing full body exercises everyday with high cardio as well.

This is all wrong.

Now I do do full body exercises every time I go to the gym, but I only go 2-3 times a week. Giving plenty of time for all my muscles to heal and be ready for the next set.

Now I say this is wrong because you body produces a chemical that comes into play an hour to forty five minutes into your workout, this is called cortisol and it is a stress chemical that affects your muscles, sleep and much more stated below.

  Why no more than an hour?Just think of the old adage: ‘too much of a good thing’.  There is a point when working out goes from making improvements to your body to stressing & straining it.Working out longer than an hour can result in some or all of the following:

  • Muscle loss
  • Lower Testosterone levels
  • Weakened Immunity
  • Greater chance of injury
  • Insomnia
  • Little to no muscle gain or fat loss 


I used to be a body builder because of insecurities starting at the age of 16 and ending my building lifestyle at 22.

I was at 190 lbs with 3-4% body fat.

Now with how you should work out for the testosterone boosts and highest muscle growth.

I do ten minutes of cardio, just a jog to warm up my muscles, tendons  and joints. This will prevent injury and strain.

Then when you're working out, go high on the weight, so high that you're only able to crank out 8 per set.

Do only two sets. I'm never in the gym for more than an hour and fifteen minutes. That half aa hour could be me stretching, jogging and getting ready to leave. Even in my body building days, I never worked out for more than a hour.

This you'll find the highest muscle growth, eat well 25% exercise and 75% diet always, higher energy levels, better sleep and more confident as testosterone helps with that.

Nowadays having a high testosterone level is more important then ever since we have so many things lowering it, inactivity, junk food, chemicals in our soap, tooth paste, mouth wash, water and even our air..(CHEM TRAILS!)

One last thing, the more muscle you have the more fat you'll need to retain to feed that muscle. Natural fasting will cause your muscles to consume all excess fat on your body.

You'll burn fat, while growing muscles and getting definition in your body!
Hope this helps for your new years resolution!!!