"Children's Health Defense is coming out with a book this fall by Dr. Brian Hooker and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., about the science showing how much healthier unvaccinated people are."
I look forward very much to reading that book. RFK, Jr. has proved to be indomitable in the face of violent oppression that has murdered both his father and uncle, and possibly his cousin, as well as other horrific pressure. Nothing I have heard from him has been shown to be false, and everything I have heard from him directly and substantively opposes my enemies.
I was unable to reach any substantive content from the third link above, to https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2022/07/09/infertility-vaccine.aspx
There seems to be a popup or something that blocks the content.
Thanks for pointing out that link doesn't work now. We assumed Dr. Mercola was going to make it permanently available. However, Dr. Mercola deletes his articles after 48 hours for political reasons and then makes them available for pay on his Substack. That article is available now at: https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/infertility-vaccine and the link has been changed in the article above.