The most hard time to get rid of Atopic Eczema

in #health7 years ago

Hi everyone, I just wanna share something about my daughter Atopic Eczema. Her skin started to have problems when she almost 3yrs old. At first she had a little bit rashes and dry on her hands and legs. These are the common area that will have rashes
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So i go to pharmacy to buy some cream for her to moisture her skin. But it started to get worst day by day. It started to have rashes at her whole body. She will scratch everytime when she feel itchy, sometimes until it's bleeding also won't stop if no one stopped her. She will screaming, crying and keep jumping shouting said "so painful" every time she goes to shower coz it really hurts. Until the stages that she refuse to get shower coz it's so suffering for her and also really heart breaking for me and my mum coz everytime we help her shower was like torcher her. I've bring her to pediatricians and even specialists. They all give her steroid creams, moisturizer cream, anti histamine and even steroid to eat to control since she was 3years plus. I've bring her every where in Sabah and even fly to Kuala Lumpur that others said it's good to see doctors. I also did go to see chinese doctor using herbs and chinese medicines just wanna help her get rid of the eczema but it still doesn't really helps her. She have to wear long sleeves and long pants to avoid dust.
She even do the blood test when she was almost 5yrs old coz it never get better and it will come back again when you see it's abit better controlled by medicine. I just wanna let everyone knows that using steroid cream and taking steroid is not good. The cream will cause the skin get thin and easily get bleeding especially when they scratch it or due to dryness of the skin. The consume of steroids was not good for our kidneys. The moisturizer cream that she's been changed and use was so uncountable from the very basic Aqua cream, Cetaphil,SebaMed, DermaVeen, many others Atopiclair which is specially for eczema also can't help her. I even join member try using essential oils also not much help.
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When she started to go to kindergarden, even the teachers will have to help me make sure that she sit below the fan. She can't concentrate and keep scratching when she feel hot. She can't play outside like the other kids. Even they play games she also don't dare to join coz she knows that she will be so itchy after she get sweating. She can't sleep well at night coz when her skin dry at midnight she will start scratching and i have to help her apply cream and also help her pat lightly at the itchy area so that she can sleep again. She even get upset when everyone ask me what happened to her skin. She will cry everytime when she heard people ask me what happened to your daughter skin. She felt like others looking at her differently.
She's been suffering for her eczema until she goes to Primary 1. One of my friend suddenly introduce to me Forever Living products. I try it within 2weeks time her rashes started to reduce and the skin started to recover. It's really amazing...She drinks the Aloe Vera juice to detox, spray to reduce the inflamations and apply the creams to rejuvenate the skin. From that time until now she is still using the same things and sometimes will drink the Aloe vera juice to detox also. Everyone was shocked to see her improvement. Finally she get rid of her eczema. Really glad that i met this products and use it on her. I will always put a small sprayer bottle for her to put in her bag when she go to school so that she can spray when she feel itchy.

Now she can join the school activities normally like other kids. She can join marching band and stand under the sun performing together with her friends. I'm so happy to see her improvement.


Glad that your daughter getting better eventually. Her condition must have been very bad.

Usually I will get details history about her. I will be looking for the trigger factor of her eczema.

Everytime to feed her, or put her on cloths or when she is in certain environment, cold or hot will normally show a pattern of itchyness.

Yes, we normally use steroid to treat eczema. But it shouldn't be a long term.

That being said, the most important now is that she is symptomless.

Thank you for sharing.

Thank you very much for your advice doctor. The things that trigger her itchyness usually is because of dust. She's been consuming steroid for quite long time that's why at the end i choose to stop it and use anti histamine to control. Luckily at the end the aloe vera manage to help her. But really glad that she is ok now. Thanks doctor. Next time if anything regarding health or medications can i seek for your advice?😊

Yes...please. Just ask me anything. If I can answer, I will. If not, I will get someone who can give me the anwer.

It is a good thing that you have taken off the steroid.

Keep on posting.

Thanks😊Yes I will keep it up...

hi @veenalo happy to hear your daughter is getting better and most importantly she can be like normal kids.

Thanks @gnaa80780912 😊 It's really a blessing for her. Now she slowly build up her self confidence coz previously she like to be alone coz others looked at her differently.

you are a great mum @veenalo its so hard to see ur own child suffering like that..she is well because of you too..send my regards to ur daughter ya.

Thanks to you😊

Thank you for sharing this @veenalo, I knew a few people who have the same skin problem but not as bad as what your daughter has experienced. I'm glad to hear that she is better now.

It's true, nowadays it seems like many kids having the same problems. My baby also have eczema but luckily not as serious as the sister. Now also using the same things to reduce his allergies. Thank you very much @beverlyjoe