New research shows common chemicals in plastic linked to chronic diseases

in #health8 years ago (edited)

"A research team from Australia has recently investigated some chemicals commonly found in plastics. They demonstrated a link between higher levels of these chemicals in urine and increases in cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension in men.

One group of chemicals often found in plastics are phthalates. These increase the flexibility, transparency, durability, and longevity of plastics. Phthalates are commonly used in food packaging, medications, toys, and even medical devices."

It's hard to avoid using plastics. However as far as food is concerned, this is one of reasons I eat as much whole foods as possible and grow my own. Only when you pick from your own garden can you be sure of what it contains.



Ya there's so many trace chemicals in foods grade plastics and Styrofoam left over from the manufacturing process. I used to have a boss that wouldn't eat any food out of a Styrofoam container, I once saw him freak out on a delivery guy for his miso soup being in one of those foam containers ... I ended up eating it lol

Good post! Sadly everything is wrapped up in plastic these day. Good to hear you try to minimize, I do the same thing.

That's right. It's madness the amount of toxic, non-biodegradable waste we're producing.

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