
OMG!! YOu have to get some. It's the absolute remedy for toothpain - it can be yuck but it's awesome. If you don't have some, try sucking on a clove. This is copied straight from the net, but it'll save you searching:

When you use clove oil for toothache pain, it's the eugenol (an ingredient within clove oil) that provides relief. Eugenol is a natural anesthetic and antibacterial, and it works well at reducing inflammation in the mouth.

basically, it's the GO TO for toothpain babe, honestly, best stuff ever.

Ok, thanks I will give it a shot :) Thanks a lot !!

Oh, and @beaker303 is actually me, @riverflows - stupidly had hubby's account open on another tab, and posted as him. So you can thank ME for the advice lol, not @beaker303 that wouldn't know how to steem if it slapped him on the face, hahahaha!! xx

It's pretty pokey, so it'll make you salivate - but it does work. Sometimes dentists send you home with a cotton plug with clove oil on it to settle the tooth down before they do more so it's a well known remedy. Let me know how it works mate!

hahahaha Well thank you then ;)