Nothing makes sense anymore

in #health7 years ago

Ever felt like going away from every thing and everyone to a strange place far far away?

Ever lost interest in the things that kept you going?

Ever avoided people so bad and you can't help it?

Then there's something threatening your mental health.

In this part of the world, less attention is paid to mental health except it has been blown out proportion and we can no longer handle it.
A lot of negative things that happen to us like failures, death, heartbreak, financial loss, business failure, academic setbacks and a host of other things have a way of harming our mental health and even though we bounce back, if we didn't deal with those challenges properly, they could slowly eat us up.

In the bid to be strong and prove to people that we are fine, we put our mental health through series of stress and stretch it more than it can handle.

Mental breakdown in most cases doesn't happen all at once, it starts slowly and gradually and sometimes in less severe cases like ANHEDONIA



This is the condition of loosing interest in things or people that you like or used to bring you pleasure.
You feel this emptiness and you're no longer taken by the things you love.

This feeling sucks as you may want to do somethings but can't bring yourself to do it, you may even find yourself giving up on relationships, people, hobbies and a host of other things

what exactly is the cause....

Experts would say it is a symptom of depression even though some depression patients may not suffer it.
It could also be as a result of overstretching your mental strength until you're strong no more.
Situations hit us and it's from one fight to another till you are tired and unwilling to go further.
Sometimes it could be as a result of financial challenges, personally when I'm broke nothing just makes sense to me and it's not a good feeling


i need a specialist but....

In this part of the world, mental health specialists are yet to be fully welcome by patients majorly because some patients cannot afford the service or people just believe they can motivate themselves out of anhedonia.

If you're experiencing anhedonia, you definitely need help and the best you can get is a professional- psychiatrist. They are good at what they do and are sure to give you the best treatment.

I have some other tips that could help

  • Admit you are weak :
    Of what use is feigning strength when your weakness is eating you up. You can lie to the world but tell yourself the truth and seek help.

  • Give up if you have to :
    sometimes it's useless trying to motivate ourselves out, we keep on holding on when we ought to let go and fighting tireless when it's an endless battle. Give up if you have to and start afresh with a new spirit...

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  • open up to a new friend :
    Sometimes we bottle things up so much that they choke breath out of us, talk to someone new about it, it helps..
    You have to be careful who you confide in but do it preferably with someone who you're sure will not judge you. Sometimes all we need is someone who can just listen.
    There are actually some people out there who would gladly listen.

  • Take a break
    If you can afford it, take a trip to somewhere serene where you can get yourself together. Visit fascinating places, go on a food adventure, just do something that could shake you a bit.
    You might even have to take a break from social media and connect with people physically...

Don't stay down for too long, help yourself as soon as possible


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Isn't just a post
Just so exceptional.....
😢♥️Can't love you less @vheobong...... though we've not really communicated much, maybe God's keeping us for greater conversation in the future lol.

i upvote you.... plz upvote me follow me and help each other :) @palcrypto

This is deep!
Wonderful advice you've gat there.

Thanks sissy

Wow I just felt like you were talking to me. Sometimes I just feel like running away to a place nobody will ever see me.
At times I cry and put blames on myself,my baby when I remember am a single mom.

The reality is that no matter how far you run, you'll eventually have to come back....
Maybe talking to a new friend might just be what you need

i agree with you totally. Mental and Emotional Health Specialists are not particularly recognized in this part of the world yet we need them desperately. I used to be like you when broke but i fought my way out of that gloom this year o...not fair to yourself to let lack of funds dictate how you feel. When I'm in that situation, i run off to my happy place (God, movies and a few friends in particular) & before you know it, all is well again and i didn't wast the low times been depressed!

Beautiful post! #bigwaves

I'm also fighting it and so far, I'm making progress...
Thanks ma