Congratulations to your outstandingly evil and garbage vomiting hate speech - you truly must have "great role models" in your life!!!!!!! I thought all the hate speech loving morons live on FB but I see some made it to this forum as well ;-)
In your total blindness and lack of consciousness you haven't even noticed that our "conversation" is not at all about the original article, as I could not care less to bring any point pro or against forward in reference to the article.
Your dirty words keep the world in divide and that's why the dark elite forces have easy play with humanity because ego driven beings like you do all their dirty work of putting people into fighting with each other - for absolutely nothing. As I said all the venom you put out will hit you back big time.
Karma knows where you live, so I am not worried that you reap what you sow... all life is a lesson and apparently your understanding is to use derogatory language to get your false self ego driven points across.
It must be challenging to live such a self-loathing and sad existence seeing no other option than using such means to make you feel great and attempting to put others down through an innuendo of nasty insults.
So if you feel so inclined to give another evil speech answer to this you can do so, yet I won't read any of your verbal diarrhia anymore. You are sadly enough a very mislead human (although not sure if you are really human) being.
Keep on doing the "Great Work" of human divide and reap your rewards for this work based in guilt and shame about yourself and total disrespect for others.
Maybe you want to consult a professional shrink about your overbearing righteousness "dis-ease" and profound hate for fellow human beings.
Everything you put out is projection of your own inner darkness onto others ! Start facing your own demons and become human!