in #health7 years ago

Nine facts...vagina.jpg

  1. It is a beautiful elastic hollow tube that's just one part of many in your private area: There is the vulva, the labia (minor and major), the clitoris and the cervix.

  2. Not all women are born with hymen: Oh yes!!! Though its present in the majority. For women who have the hymen, it varies in thickness. So the 'necessary' bleeding after first sex and amount of blood is completely different for each woman. So don't mind "the bleeding and loss of virginity" lines, it might not happen in your case.

  3. Take a deep breathe!!! A large size penis won't stretch it out: Due to its elasticity, the vagina will return to its tightness after sex. Don't buy the myth of big penis whacking open your vagina. But it might not be the same after childbirth. Worry not!!! There are good exercises for tightening it up.

  4. Regular exercise should be a vagina best friend: A tight vagina leads to more friction during sex and makes climax easier to attain. So start your exercises especially kegel exercise, squatting (not only for a firm buttock), leg raise and some yoga.

  1. The myth that being 'out of service' will so tighten your vagina and make the new sexual encounter so hurtful is not true. However, your vaginal muscle might be tensed at after long sexual starvation, but penetration should not be painful.

  2. The vagina is a house full of bacteria: Don't get it twisted and all grossed up - they are the good guys (good bacteria) that keep a check on the bad ones by making the vagina environment acidic for their survival.

  3. It is self-cleaning: That's thanks to the vaginal discharges and its acidic nature. The discharge ensures that all 'debris' is discarded and the acidity frustrates the existence of the harmful micro-organisms (#6). So no need for douching and washing of this heavenly-made private arena ( no one ate ogbono soup there). These changes the flora and pH of the vagina thus, encouraging bad microorganism growth. Just wash the outside, the vulva, with a mild non-scented soap and that's all.

  4. Vaginal Discharge is a normal something: Vaginal discharge varies depending on your cycle. Before ovulation, it is thinner, more transparent and stretches like a running nose catarrh (a good thing as it makes it easier for sperms to swim upwards happily). Just before your menses, it is creamier and thicker. But if the colour or consistency change, Dear, Find your doctor.

  5. When unaroused, the average vagina measures 3-5inches deep. But when aroused, blood is pumped into its wall; the vagina can increase to twice its size. This action is called tenting which involves the expansion of the upper 2/3rd of the vagina. These muscular action causes upward movement of the uterus, creating more space lengthwise for the intercourse. Wow! God is great.

Much love!
Have a fabulous day.