Will You Circumcise Your Baby Boy?

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Back in Biblical times it made sense to circumcise babies as it was an effective way to prevent infections. Now these problems can be easily prevented with medicine.
So what does the mass media say about circumcision today? Of course it's a good idea! The Center4Research promotes the idea that circumcision helps to prevent HIV and cancer.

This is hilarious. ... Cutting off some of your boy's schlong will prevent HIV and cancer! Have we all gone insane? Actually most countries in the world do not circumcise their boys.
So you make the decision if the time comes. Modern medicine can deal with any infectious problems that may arise, which was difficult for goat herders thousands of years ago. This all reminds me of the medieval treatment of bloodletting, a brutal remedy for a minor issue.


Ill cross that road if it gets there, but thanks for the information. :)

ahhhhh yea thats right