How to increase immunity ?

in #health8 years ago

The immune system protects the body from the occurrence of various diseases and build a natural defense against disease agents. Stress reduction and regular exercise help to strengthen the immune system , and the largest effect is manifested food intake , which may protect the body from disease . A varied diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables ( vitamins and antioxidants ) , will largely contribute to the efficiency of the immune system.

The greatest enemy of the immune system in the body are free radicals. Free radicals damage healthy cells and lead to mutations , which can result in serious diseases such as cancer . However, the vital nutrients from foods that are called antioxidants can stop free radicals .


One of the most powerful antioxidants is vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system by reducing the influence of free radicals. Child in which the vitamin C is present to a large extent are associated with a reduced risk for the development of stomach cancer, breast, colon and prostate tumors. Citrus fruits, peppers, tomatoes, cabbage are good sources of vitamin C. If you are smoker the level of vitamin C is reduced, because the substrate consumed to prevent damage caused under the influence of harmful substances from tobacco smoke. Therefore, smokers are recommended to increase intake of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.

Another important antioxidant is vitamin E, which slows down the symptoms of aging and strengthens the body's cells, which fight infections. People who consume foods rich in vitamin E or take supplements have an additional weapon against bacteria and viruses. Good sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils and whole grain food grain. Carotenoids are antioxidants that help in strengthening the immune system, affecting the production of lymphocytes, the cells are important for fighting infection. The best source of carotenoids are red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables (carrot, tomato, pumpkin). Four important carotenoids are beta-beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the body from infection.

The immune system and receives power from the minerals, which are essential for forming a cell in the body. Among them the most important mineral for immunity is zinc, which influences the increase in the number of killer cells - lymphocytes. Zinc-rich pumpkin seeds, red meat, grains, wheat germ. Selenium helps to increase the number of antibodies and stimulate the development of killer cells. However, the selenium should not be exaggerated, and constantly taking high doses of selenium supplements is not recommended. Selenium is found in fish, grain cereals, nuts.

Frequent infections , smoking , lack of sleep , improper diet , long-term use of antibiotics , stress , polluted environment, heavy physical and mental work can damage the immune system.

Sometimes the immune system does not respond in time intruders and harmful substances or there is not enough strength to fight with them, and then comes to disease. Toxic substances accumulated in the air, water , plants - almost everything that surrounds us , weakens our defense capabilities , a weakened body weight submits such living conditions.

Everyone has periods in which his immunity becomes weak . Often ignore the obvious signs of a low immune system , and this leads to the development of diseases that are more embarrassing than to implement preventive measures.

If you suffer from frequent colds (more than 4-6 times per year ) or more likely renewal of chronic diseases , for example : bronchitis and herpes on the lips, and quickly get tired - it's more a sign of alarm. Allergic diseases are also considered diseases of the immune system. If you want to provide good health it is necessary to build a strong immune system. In order for the organism was able to deal with plant diseases , it is necessary to provide him with adequate conditions , in the form of a varied diet and regular lifestyle ( adequate sleep , rest, less stress , abstain from abuse of tobacco and alcohol). In the absence of vitamins and minerals often leads to weakening of the immune system. Vitamin C is considered one of the most important for the prevention of disease and reduce damage to cells when the disease has already occurred.