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RE: The Whistleblowers (Series): #21 - Award Winning Doctor: "Psychiatry Is Fraud!" - Psychiatry Is Less Than Scientific And Is More About Power Than Healing.

in #health8 years ago

Yes, half of the United States is hooked on some form of prescription pills. What's more troubling is how the blanket statement perpetuated by the psychiatric industry has blazed a path for the media, law enforcement, and most of society, to label people with mental illness as being violent. Especially, when legislation needs to be passed quickly. And, that's when you see the teachings of Bernays and his uncle Freud playing out, which I go into greater detail, in my post "I MAD AS HELL & I'M NOT GOING: MENTALLY ILL & VIOLENCE."


It is convenient for those who would control all life everywhere to be able to label anyone who gets in their way as 'dangerous'. :/