What do you do to combat stress?

in #health6 years ago (edited)

View this answer on Musing.io

Hello Nancybriti

Stress is often something that's beyond our control most times. Even after effective planning and steps have been taken to avoid a stressful situation. Things turn out not to go so well.

[Image From Pixabay](https://pixabay.com/en/work-stressed-accounts-man-working-2005640/)

My personal steps to combat stress may or may not work for you. But since you are asking, I'll share with you. If it works for you, let me know with a reply. I'll be delighted to hear that.

First off, I avoid panicking and worrying too much when the whole ship is about to sink. I'm sure you'll be like, "that's not possible". We'll it is, and I do that alot. The reason why is that, I've noticed that no matter how much I worry or lose sleep over a situation the answer doesn't come. My answers come with a clear mind and a well rested body. So I rest my body through sleep or doing something that comforts me. In that process, your mind tends to relax especially if you are doing something that gives you joy.

Afterwards I revisit the situation and attempt to solve it. If I can solve it fine, if I can't, I let it be. Life is like that sometimes, we can't always find the answers to everything and I've learnt to accept that.

Secondly, surround yourself with things you love. Alot of people when faced with a situation that could stress them, they tend to push everyone away. That's wrong! You need all the love you can get, it brings serenity to the mind. Especially when you are around young children. They bring with them so much joy and happiness. Personally for me, when I feel work stress is building up and I can't fix it. I just visit my 1yr old niece and nephew. The joy they bring and their smiles. It's like they are in their own perfect little world and you are not a part of it and that just gets me to forget that the world outside is sometimes a difficult place.

Finally, listen to music. Music is a mystery I'm yet to understand. I was once sick and within 10mins of listening to my favourite Playlist on the sound system I felt super strong. I didn't understand how that happened, but it did. Same thing with stress. Find yourself a beautiful Playlist and when you feel you can't take it anymore, take a good shower and just lay on your bed and listen to beautiful music.

Works everytime for me. I hope it does for you too... 😊😊😊


What's your favorite dinosaur?

The dead one

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