The safest approach to infant personal care is to use only 100% natural, organic and edible products.
Why edible?
Because skin is permeable and absorbs whatever we put onto it - right into our bloodstream. So if a product is safe to eat, it's safe to use topically.
The skin of babies is even more delicate than adult's skin - much thinner and much less resilient, more absorbent and highly susceptible to irritants. We wouldn't let them drink or touch poison, so why apply poisons to their skin?
Dr Erica Elliott, in her wisdom, gives a simple piece of advice: "If you can't eat it, don't put it on your body".
Chemicals in commercial baby-care products are unsafe (no matter what it says on the bottle about 'gentle' and 'skin-kind') and can result in serious adverse reactions - both external and internal, and often horrible and irreversible.
Most of us have experienced rashes, itchiness, burning, clogged pores etc from commercial products (mostly during our teenage years, right?!) but that's not the worst of it. Not only do they affect the surface of our skin, but can also affect our hormones, immune systems, nervous systems, reproductive systems, liver, brain, heart... everything!!!
But where can one buy all these 'natural, organic and edible' skin-care baby products, you ask?
The answer - most supermarkets, or natural/wholefoods stores. Because for the first few years (at least) of a child's life, you can manage perfectly nicely with these two products: coconut oil and vinegar.
You absolutely SHOULD NOT apply shampoos, conditioners, bubble baths, lotions, gels, creams, powders (especially any containing talc), sprays, or any other chemical concoctions. For one thing it's unnecessary. For another thing every chemical is a risk to health, and why take risks when we don't need to?
This "Natural Mama's" Advice for Infant Personal Care (personally tried, tested and vehemently recommended):
1. Bathe once or twice a week, not every day.
Bathing too frequently damages the microbial balance by removing the beneficial bacteria on our skin, which we need for producing our own antibiotics. It also removes the natural oils, leading to dryness and unpleasant skin conditions. Babies and infants don't need much washing - each night I give my son a quick wash with a flannel of his face, hands and groin area, and then usually on a weekend and/or mid-week he enjoys a nice long bath.
If your water supply contains chlorine, I also recommend using vitamin C, in the form of ascorbic acid, to dechlorinate bath water. I add 1 teaspoon of ascorbic acid (I buy online here) to the bath water, which neutralises chlorine and chloramine. There are also other ways to reduce chemicals in bath water, which you can read about in a great article here.
2. Vinegar or homemade herbal hair rinse, not baby shampoo.
Most of the time I use vinegar to wash my son's hair. Fill a spray bottle 1/3 of vinegar, and top up with water. I spray it on, give a good scrub to his scalp with my fingertips, leave on a few minutes before rinsing. Soft, shiny, healthy hair, healthy scalp. Alternatively you can make a simple herbal rinse, which smells lovely. The ingredients I specifically chose for their effectiveness in reducing cradle cap, common with babies:
1 tblsp dried chamomile flowers
1 tblsp dried calendula petals
1 tblsp dried rosemary
1 tblsp dried sage
Put all the ingredients into a jar and cover with boiling water. Leave to brew for at least 30 minutes. Strain and pour into a spray bottle.
3. Coconut oil to prevent and treat nappy rash (and any area of dryness or scratches).
Coconut oil is all that's need for any dryness on baby's skin. I've tried a few other oils, such as almond oil and vitamin E oil, but I find coconut is the best. Apply each night to help keep skin moisturised, or apply generously at every nappy change baby has nappy rash, and you'll find their skin heals very nicely. Even sore and bleeding skin can heal overnight, it's really that good! (Perhaps it's due to my no-chemical approach, but my son rarely gets nappy rash, and when he does it usually coincides with teething, as the two often happen together).
If you're a user of cloth nappies, I recommend Disana organic raw silk liners to treat nappy rash, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. You can use coconut oil when using cloth nappies, as it's void of fish oil unlike many commercial oils than leave the nappies stinking no matter how often you wash them! Yuk!
4. Banana toothbrush
Although children don't really need to start brushing their teeth until they're around 2 (when teeth are touching and therefore food can get trapped), it's not a bad idea to get them used to taking care of their oral hygiene. I love this banana toothbrush, you may have seen or even have one - made from food-grade silicone, toxin-free - for teething infants. It's great for them to chew on, which is it's main function, but the massaging bristles also gives them a sense of what it'll be like to brush their teeth later on. When the time comes for my boy to brush his teeth properly, he won't be using a fluoridated toothpaste, that's for sure.
5. A good diet - aids cell repair; keeps skin & body healthy.
I can't stress enough the importance of diet for holistic health, though my beloved Steemit pals definitely know by now how enthusiastic I am about natural approaches to everything! Simply put: if we eat crap, we'll look and feel like crap, and the same goes for our children. If they eat well, and by that I mean fresh nourishing wholefoods, plenty of vegetables and fruit, good fats, no processed rubbish, no sugar... then their skin will be clear and glowing, their hair thick and shiny, their teeth cavity free, their eyes bright, their bodies strong inside and out.
For all kinds of health information, tips, recipes (vegan/vegetarian), crafts, photography, and more, please follow me!
To find out what the "Make It Healthy Project" is all about, and how you can be involved in growing this project, please click here.
Good information and glad to hear your trying to be so natural for you and your child.
I would also recommend you use the help of chiropractic care for you and your child. If your not you might not be aware of the benefits. My wife and i like all the things you were saying in staying with natural ingredients but my children and us have also had many chiropractic treatments over the years and it fits perfectly with your lifestyle. When people ask if it can hurt the children I just tell them to come look at my children and see if they can see anything wrong with them as they have had many an adjustment with the chiropractor. If you have any questions please ask.
Thank you @tordoc, I appreciate your kind words and suggestions! It's funny timing you mention chiropractic as only a few days ago I was looking into my nearest one so I can visit and see if they can do anything about my lower back, which has been trouble for the last 16 years. Only problem is they're expensive, even just for consultation, which is an issue for me. But I'm totally into these methods rather than western ways, and have known others who've benefited enormously! :-)
Not all are expensive but you will have to do some looking to find them. Also if they give you the story of needing 30 or more visits and want you on any kind of contract then keep looking. I believe in getting regular treatments but you do not need to sign up for 30 treatments to get things going. Sometimes the clinic of any kind that is fanciest or has the all best equipment need to have patients come back a lot.
Good luck and if questions come up you need answer to ask me. I might be able to help.
Thank you, I appreciate that! :-)
Hooray for natural mamas! 100% agree that if you can eat it your skin can too. You have such a cutie pie! How old is he? I wish we could get banana toothbrushes. What a brilliant idea!
Thank you! My boy will be three in September, but in those photos he was 7 months old :-) My sister is having a baby next month so I've been trying to get good information to her before hers arrives! Yes, those banana toothbrushes are excellent... they were the best teething aid by far of all that we tried, I guess because it's easy to hold, and feels nice, and the bristles are fun to chew (Yep, I gave it a chew too haha!)
That's so funny! I would've also chewed on it!!
This is quite remarkable and simple at the same time Dear Joanna. Your son was adorable baby 🌸💖🌸
Thanks so much! :-) :-) :-)
Fabulous information for someone bringing a little bundle of joy in to the world, so wish we knew this when we were bring ours in to the world.
I remember using talc on one of the baby's when the midwife came over she was horrified, I showed her the bottle which said recommended by midwifes, she explained that one midwife in the world could say hey good product, then the company could slap that statement on the packaging.
All a learning curve, it's great to have people like you @woman-onthe-wing guiding others that want to know how to navigate natural remedy's in our everyday lives.
Thank you! My sister is due in the next few weeks and I have been trying to get good info to her as she's not as savvy about natural choices as me and I worry myself thinking of her using harmful products! I'm glad to hear your midwife advised against talc, because here they sent my baby home from the intensive care unit with a miniature bottle of talc as well as Vaseline and I was horrified! They even bathed him in the hospital and squirted in loads of baby bubble bath, and for the next 3 days he smelled of baby bath... it wasn't nice having my prem baby stinking of chemicals! You have to wonder where the common sense is...
Common sense and responsibility have gone out the window we have to be advocates for ourselves and family's.
I agree, common sense isn't half as 'used' as it should be! But you know what they say, if you don't use it you lose it!!!