Advantage and Disadvantage of fats on your body

in #health7 years ago


Think of the fat landscape as the Enchanted Forest. We want to stick with the princes, princesses, and devoted sidekicks—the heroes who will improve our health—and avoid the evil queens, nasty sea creatures, and wicked witches—the villains who will make our health even worse. I’ll talk about which fats are good and which are bad later on, but for now, let’s review what fats can do in the body health even worse. I’ll talk about which fats are good and which are bad later on, but for now, let’s review what fats can do in the body.

The Hero effect on the body -

Improve cardiovascular risk factors
Strengthen bones
Improve the health of the liver, lungs, and brain
Increase balanced nerve signaling to improve training, learning, muscle memory, and more Strengthen the immune system
Create cell integrity Lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, specifically Lp(a)
Increase HDL (good) cholesterol
Assist with the assimilation of nutrients
Encourage better body composition, with a good balance of lean muscle mass and body fat Improve insulin sensitivity
Reduce inflammation
Support a healthy metabolism
Assist with thyroid function
Aid in the balance of LDL and HDL cholesterol, which helps fight inflammation
Provide a satiated or “full” feeling, leading to fewer cravings
Support balanced hormones
Aid in building muscle
Assist with weight loss
s Reduce the risk of depression, cancer, and heart attack
improve the health of skin and eyes

The villain effect on the body-

Create free radicals, which damage and age cells
Remove vitamins and minerals from the body
Cause systemic inflammation
Increase LDL (bad) cholesterol, specifically Lp(b)
Deteriorate cell walls, causing decay
Damage DNA
Make it difficult to fight infection
Lower a person’s ability to deal with stress
Place stress on the body
Increase the effects of aging
Reduce the body’s ability to produce energy
Negatively affect gut microflora
Increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s
Clog arteries
Cause headaches
Negatively affect memorywhat-is-trans-fat-1526319371.jpg