in #health7 years ago

Bitter leaf is a popular herb in the Western part of Africa, particularly
in Nigeria.
Some theory has it that it came from Asia. Better leaf is also called
Vernonia Amygdalina and it can be used for different purposes
such as for preparing soups, and for medical purposes.


Aside for making soup, bitter leaf also has great medicinal value
and some of those value will shall discuss.

Some time, the bitter leaf is blended or squeezed in a way to extract
the jouice part of it.

The bitter leave comes in two types, One is very bitter and the other is not
bot but serve almost same benefits.

Benefits of Bitter leaf


The bitter leaf has many health benefits as can be seen in most of the
African countries. Bitter leaf as used by many African counties can be
used the prepare different types of soup as the most popular one is the
biter leaf soup.
Bitter leaf can also serve as flower around the house
environment as many house hold also use it as flower around their houses.

Names of bitter leaf in Nigeria

Bitter leaf has many as is being called by many tribes and villages.
The three most dominant languages in Nigeria are the Igbo's, Yoruba's
and the Hausa's.
The Igbo's calls bitter leave Onugbu while the Yoruba's calls it Ewuro and
finally, the Hausa's calls it Shiwaka

Health benefits of bitter leaf

Bitter leaf has many health benefits, discussing all it's benefits can take
almost a year or more but for the purpose of the article, w are going to
discuss but a few.

Controls High Blood Pressure (HBP)


High blood pressure is an ailment that is dominating the health sectors
today and many has spend lots of Niara and Dollars just to treat high blood
High blood pressure is mostly dominant to people of the age above forty
years of age.
Bitter leaf due to its high level of potassium, it has the ability to reduce blood
pressure and thus it can be used to manage hypertension.

Treats Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that many suffer today and most times the cure can be
very difficult. Bitter leaf with its ability contains Andrographolide which has
been tested according to research to lower or reduce sugar in the blood of

Treats Malaria and Typhoid

Malaria and Typhoid are popular ailments that is dominant in the African
region, Malaria is caused as a result of mosquito bites which in turn transmits
plasmodium which is a parasite to the human blood stream.

Typhoid is caused by bacteria's and virus and taking bitter leaf juice can help
cure this inflammations.

Side Effects of Better Leaf

Bitter leaf if taken in the right amount is save. Side effects can also arise such
as vomiting, rash, fatigue and loss of appetite.

Credits: S S S


Good post bro, But the bitter part is what i can very well do without