5 Years Celebrating Life - From Near Death to Abundant Life

in #health8 years ago

My words

This is my longtime friend Jason Fischer. We grew up together, lived in the same neighborhood, attended the same church, and shared the same friends. When you spend this much time with someone to start to develop a pretty strong bond. Being that we grew up Catholic, we also shared our sacraments together and attended catechism (Sunday school equivalent). When we graduated high school, Jason and his older brother  both attended Texas Tech University. I took a different path in life, I went to a better university lol jk. Either way, when life happens you lose touch with people especially coupled with the fact that I have been off of Facebook for several years. The other day, I  had a dream that I should call my buddy Jason and see how he was doing. What I found out brought me to tears. It's a reminder that we should always make time to check up on people that we care for.


His words

 Today marks 5 years since my stem cell transplant at UMC Health System and my second chance at life. The experience taught me that second chances are not your own. Second chances belong to many. Second chances belong to those who cared for and supported you, the ones who encouraged you, and anyone who believed in you. But more importantly second chances belong to those who wore the beaten path before you.
To the often thankless care and compassion provided by housekeepers and supportive care staff. To the nurses and doctors working tirelessly with passion to make a positive difference in many an individual's life. To the patients, living and deceased, who fought not just for themselves, but for those who would come after them. May we never forget them. May we always live our lives in their honor. May we seek to better ourselves and pursue opportunities lost to them and their families.
How quickly that struggle in my life has passed and yet stays with me everyday. I will always strive for... For those families ravaged by cancer. That I may continue to raise awareness of your struggles. For the child too sick to eat. That I may stop to notice God's wonders which render me awe struck. That I may enjoy the simple things in life inspired by youthful innocence. For nurses and doctors who work endlessly to help others. That I utilize my mind to its fullest potential. That I continue to read and learn. That I support math and sciences for all. That I strive to make healthy choices, eat well, and exercise. For the housekeepers and all those working in often thankless roles. That I may never be too busy to stop, listen, and enjoy your compassionate company. That I always make myself available to support you as you selflessly support others. 

Courtesy of Lubbock Avalanche-Online

What's so inspirational about Jason's story is that he was so eternally grateful for his experience and second chance that he decide on a career change. He wanted to show gratitude to those that normally go noticed but play a pivotal role in keeping the medical centers running. He has now devoted his career to serving others in the same hospital system that he received his transplant. He moved form Lubbock back to Houston and we have connected as though we never lost touch. This story should serve as an inspiration to all that read it. 

There's Adventure in all of Us

I showed you how to pay rent with STEEM
I showed you how to turn STEEM into CASH
I took you on a day as Urkle
I took you to @ned scott's funeral (RIP)
I took you to #STEEMITGUNCLUB    



...mostly in Texas LOL Animation graciously donated to @xtrodinarypilot by @xtrodinarypilot  


Great post and glad your buddy is doing well. Now you must be an Aggie or longhorn thinking you went to a better school than my beloved Texas Tech.

Here's a funny story. I worked in Baton rouge for a while and Mayor Kip Holden asked me if I was a

Tiger (LSU) or a Jaguar (Southern University)?
I said neither, I am a LONGHORN. That didn't fly too well in Louisiana lol Truth is I graduated from another university.

Lol nice. I spent probably the worst year of my life in Louisiana working for Baker Hughes offshore. I didn't run into anyone that was impressed with my education, LSU was the gold standard over there.

Yeah it is straight nepotism bullshit with LSU in La. And they don't produce the most intelligent minds. Although I spent the first 10 years of my life, I COULD NOT wait to get back to TX. You know that song Dallas by Alan Jackson...? my wife wasn't haven't it.

Of course I know that song! I tell you what, everytime I drove on I-10 and crossed the state line back into Texas it was pure joy.

And that beaitiful 75 mph

So happy for you hope everything continues going upwards for you keep in my prayers

It is really important that we know that this life that we are given is not for ourselves but for others.

absolutely. we should know that we experience great joy and success when we help others.

Hello friend help me by following and voting in my post, I will do the same would be very helpful thanks

Very good post :))

Dang. Life is but a vapor, hear today, and gone tomorrow.

Yeah talk about a wake up call.

Sorry to hear about your good childhood friend. How is your son doing from the picture you shared of the goose egg on his head?Hi @xtrodinarypilot,

God Lives and through him, all is made whole!

Thanks for checking up on him. He's a champ

Great post and really emphasizes one of the greatest truths which is that the people we form bonds with and care about are the most important part of life. Good to hear your friend is okay and that you've reconnected.