Are You on a Diet? I'll Tell You Why a Plant-Based Diet is Best For You!

in #health8 years ago

Choosing a plant-based diet doesn’t mean you have to completely give up meat. What it does mean is that you are deriving the majority of your daily calories and nutrition from plants and plant-based products. Incorporating lean meats and fish into a plant-based diet can actually help supplement needed elements and vitamins of a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle. The main difference between more traditional American eating and a plant-based diet is shifting the bulk of the meal away from the meat to be more plant-centric. This lifestyle change is important for a variety of health reasons.

1. Plants are healing foods.

Hippocrates, the Greek father of medicine, is famously quoted as saying “Let food be thy medicine and medicine by thy food.” What he means by this is that there is great value in using food as the basis of a healthy lifestyle, to use good foods as healing substances to balance what our bodies need. Research suggests that following a plant-based diet allows us to absorb more of the nutrients and vitamins that we need to function well, as opposed to a more meat-centered diet. For example, Type 2 Diabetes is a preventable disease and can be countered in part by replacing red and processed meats with a plant diet that incorporates unprocessed, nutrient-rich plant foods. Plant-based diets can also help improve and reverse other chronic problems, like heart disease, high blood pressure, inflammation, and even certain cancers.

Source: Pixabay

2. It’s better for your digestion!

Shifting the focus of your meals away from processed meats means ingesting less of the chemical ingredients that allow meat to last so long – the length of the journey from the animal plant to the processing and packaging plant, and finally to the in grocery stores where you buy your food. Many of the preservatives found in meat can cause a variety of digestive issues and many people find fast relief for a number of stomach issues as they transition to a plant-based lifestyle. Plants are also loaded with fiber, whereas meat has no fiber. Fiber assists your digestive system in processing what you consume more efficiently, which keeps your gastrointestinal tract healthier and can even help avoid some intestinal diseases. If you are not used to eating large portions of vegetables with high fiber, try incorporating small amounts of cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, brussels sprouts) into your lunchtime and evening meals. Slowly incorporating these foods will help your stomach adjust to working with higher fiber foods without causing uncomfortable bloating.

Source: Pixabay

3. You’ll explore new foods.

Eliminating or reducing your meat consumption might leave you wondering what in the world there is to eat. The exciting thing about switching to a plant-based diet is that it opens up a whole new world of foods and food combinations to try. Many of these meat replacements are often healthier and add needed nutrition to your diet. Establishing a well-rounded palate centered around plant food will provide your body with all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you need to live a healthy lifestyle. If you’re not an adventurous chef, try some vegetarian replacements at a restaurant for some inspiration, choosing tofu instead of chicken in your Pad Thai, or giving a veggie lasagna a try. You can also try out different whole grains, which are more filling and nutritious, to add to your meals. Replace that white rice with some more versatile quinoa or lentils to create different textures in your foods, making a hearty stew or dynamic, meat-free curry.

4. You’ll lose some weight.

The fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains that comprise the foundation of a plant-based diet will allow you to feel fuller without consuming as many calories as a meat-based meal. The fiber in plants and whole grains take up more space in your stomach and take longer to digest, leaving you feeling satisfied for longer and minimizing your desire to overeat or snack between meals. This can help you drop a couple of pounds quickly, and hopefully, will keep you focused on continuing with your healthy lifestyle change!

Source: Pixabay

Tips for Getting Started

There are some important and helpful tips to keep in mind as you change over to a plant-based diet:

  1. Stay hydrated. Drinking water helps with digestion, especially as you adjust to a new eating pattern. Ingesting more fiber-rich foods will mean that you need more water to help your food move easily through your digestive system. If you’re not a big water drinker, start out by having half a glass of water at the start of your meal to give your food something to work with, and slowly drink the remaining water as you eat.

  2. Don’t go crazy for protein! Just because you’re not eating as much or any meat doesn’t mean that you will become protein deficient. We often over-consume protein when we eat a meat-based diet, and the extra protein is usually stored as fat or eliminated from your body as waste. The human body can actually get all the protein we need from the right kind of plants, such as beans, spinach, mushrooms, lentils, and broccoli. If you’re looking for a quick protein boost, try a morning smoothie made with soy milk, peanut butter, and a banana. It’s a tasty and protein-rich way to start the day.

  3. Healthy fats contribute to a healthy body and will help aid in digestion. If you’re not going full vegetarian, incorporate small amounts of fish into your weekly meals to get your omega-3 fatty acids. You can also try experimenting with avocados, as these highly nutritious fruits are full of healthy fats, and are very versatile. Flax and chia seeds are also great sources of healthy fat, either blended into a smoothie or sprinkled over your morning oatmeal.

Source: Pixabay

If you’re starting out on your plant-based journey and don’t want to go cold turkey, there are some easy ways to transition your meals to be less focused on meat and more focused on nutrition. Start with going vegetarian for one day per week. There are countless, easy-to-prepare Meatless Monday recipes found online and in books that can help you get started with some interesting meals. Another method is to find something that gives you the same tasty satisfaction as a steak – trying some roasted root vegetables with balsamic vinegar and herbs, or using a smoky Gouda cheese on your pizza for an almost meaty flavor. There are countless benefits to switching to a plant-based diet, from helping your body heal itself to getting a balanced amount of vitamins and minerals.

Source: Pixabay



I love this recipe looks delicious, follow me @yeobo

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This vegan diet will keep you full, no doubt since it contains more fiber. But losing weight requires protein consumption. And plant based proteins are incomplete source of proteins. I'm not saying you have to rely on meats. You can switch to eggs also.
But vegan diet combined with some lean source of protein will give you faster results.