Beware, Bad Dental Health Can Trigger Heart Disease

in #health7 years ago

Since childhood, we are taught to brush our teeth regularly. The goal for cleanliness and oral health awake. If neglect maintains oral health, there are consequences that are accepted. The body will face serious problems, one of which is heart disease.

Over the past 20 years, some health authorities have paid special attention to dental care that can prevent the danger of heart disease. Professor of Clinical Medicine of the University of California, William Watt Kerr and Dr. Ann Bolger, M.D., believes the idea of ​​a problem in the oral cavity can be a beacon for heart health conditions.

The idea is based on the relationship between gum disease and atherosclerosis that can cause heart disease. Atherosclerosis is one of the cardiovascular diseases in which blood vessels are blocked by fat.

However, this is still a debate. AHA (American Heart Association) reviewed research related to the relationship of gum disease with atherosclerosis. From the review, the association did not find any definite gum disease can cause heart problems.

However, gum disease such as periodontitis has the same risk factors as heart disease, ie age, diabetes, and smoking behavior. This suggests an autonomic relationship between gum disease, which is associated with oral health, with heart disease.

Symptoms of gum disease and how to maintain oral health

Oral diseases, especially gums, are generally characterized by the following five symptoms:

  1. Swollen gums, bright red color

  2. Bleeding gums when you brush your teeth

  3. The gums look away from the teeth

  4. Breath is not fresh with bad breath

  5. Teeth are wobbly and away from each other

To prevent the occurrence of problems with the gums, should do regular dental examination and brushing your teeth regularly and correctly. It not only makes smiles more beautiful, but also allows you to avoid heart disease.