9 Reasons To Eat Grapes

in #health9 years ago (edited)

9 reasons to eat grapes

Grapes - one of the most delicious treats of early September. What are the benefits of grapes for your health? How much can you eat grapes without harm to the waist? What grapes are healthier and much more.

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Falling in love with the grape, but know the measure

  1. Grapes are a rich source of vitamins A, C, B6 and folate (folic acid derivatives), as well as essential minerals - potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. In addition, the grapes contain flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that slow the aging process and reduce the negative impact of free radicals.

  2. In the bones of grapes contain vitamins A, E , K, and natural oils, which help to strengthen the cells and rejuvenate the body. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eat berries with seeds and rind . The latter, incidentally, helps cleanse the intestines of toxins.

  3. Many believe that from grapes grow fat, but it is not. In fact, no fattening from grapes themselves, and due to increased appetite caused grapes. If you eat the grapes in moderation, without fanaticism, will not be harmful to the figures. The average rate of grapes a day with health benefits is 10-15 large berries, no more.

  4. If we want to strengthen the heart and kidney, nutritionists recommend regularly eat dark berries. A display "sand" from the gall bladder and kidneys help clean bright grapes with a diuretic. Notice : caloric and energy value of dark and bright grapes about the same. So if you love the light, but to make informed choices in favor of the dark due to its lower calorie content - you're making a mistake! You can relax and savor your favorite dark grapes, without thinking about calories.

  5. The "home" grapes , which slightly "bald", small and sour berries, use more than the selected varieties. Undoubtedly, the choice of grapes are beautiful in appearance, and taste is pleasant. On the other hand, more calories in it than in the "wild" varieties, but less vitamins.

  6. The dark berry contains large amounts of antioxidants, which strengthen the protective functions of the body. But the grape - quite a strong allergen. The darker the grape, the more likely to allergy.

  7. Grapes strengthens the heart . Grape berries increases the content of nitric oxide in the blood, which prevents the formation of blood clots, thereby reducing the likelihood of heart attacks.

  8. Grapes fatigue and nervous tension . Due to the content of vitamins and antioxidants, grapes quickly restores strength and energy, strengthens the immune system and protects the body from stress.

  9. Saves asthma . Grapes improves the condition of the respiratory tract and lungs, so this berry is very recommended to asthmatics.

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Take note!

The grapes should be used for people with a healthy digestive system, because this berry flavored enough "heavy" for the body. Grapes contain easily digestible carbohydrates (glucose + fructose), which are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and increase the level of insulin.

Therefore, anyone with a weak pancreas problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as diabetes or obesity, from the use of this delicacy even in small doses is better to abstain.