You Look Just Fine to Me

One of the biggest challenges of dealing with any chronic illness is that we appear to be healthy and well when in reality we are hiding the pain that affects every aspect of our lives. My battle with chronic illness started at the age of 10. Throughout the past 30 in my battle with pain I've had to learn to find reasons to live and reasons to fight despite the constant pain and limitations that plague me. I must take responsibility for what my life will be and not be a victim to my illness. It is possible to still enjoy if we choose not to be victim. Despite how hard I fight to keep a positive outlook, it's still disheartening when I hear someone say, "You Look Just Fine to Me".

#spoonie #chronicillness #chronicpain #fibromyalgia #fibrowarrior #invisibleillness #youdontlooksick #notavictim You Look Just Fine to Me: A Practical Guide to Help Those Suffering From Chronic Physical and Emotional Illness so They Can Live a Better Quality of Life.