Gym/sport- Do not say you are going to sweat out so you do not need a proper bath or shower because that is the main reason you should have a bath. Gym is a close contact space, so you need to have a bath before and after workout.
The 3 fastest ways to achieve your body goal includes:
-Taking your bath/ taking a shower
-use roll on or body spray
-Be consistent ( make it your lifestyle).
You should never smell like spoilt goat meat at the gym just because you feel you will sweat out after workout or because of the trouble it will cost you to take a bath before workout or maybe you think you will still take a bath after workout so no need, erase that thought from your mind because it’s not a good one. We should learn to practice good personal hygiene.
Imagine yourself in the gym working out and you see a beautiful woman through the window and say to your self you must shoot your shot at this woman because you do not know if you will see her again,how do you approach her with all that smell oozing from your body? Will you be confident enough to walk up to her? A slight odor from you may make the woman avoid and ignore you. Oops! How embarrassing! Ladies, you are not left out, you should take baths before and after workout too.
Taking a bath before and after workout should not been seen as stress or more work. It is a good habit that should be encouraged and practiced. Some people do not even take baths at all even after workouts. Is that even normal? Yes, it is normal for some of you and that is gutter behavior that should not be practiced, a habit that must be changed.
Because of how uncomfortable I get with bad odor, if I notice he slightest odor from anyone around me, trust me, I will take off my shoes and run!
If you think because you don’t need to push or pull weights while working out, u will not need to take a bath, you are wrong. In fact, taking baths can be a great way to improve and circulate your blood flow.
Why soak in your own dirt?
Listen, consider taking baths before workout as a warm up rather than see it as stress or more work. Nobody wants to be around someone that smells like a week old corpse you know, reason you should practice the habit of taking baths before and after workout.
Note that, before working out, a hot shower will help you increase your body temperature, help blood circulation as well as loosen up muscles that are stif. At least, the sweat that builds up after workout is clean and you will have a enough confidence to approach that gorgeous woman. Winks.
After workout, all the sweat from your body will probably cause the build up of bacteria and yeast and may lead to body odor. So always take a bath before and after workouts/gym.
Do not go to the gym without reading this!