Here are the various health benefits of figs we compiled briefly from long studies, of course, research done by health experts on different continents. Happy reading the tremendous efficacy!
- The content of potassium, omega 3 and omega 6 with phenol and magnesium in tin / ara helps to lower high blood pressure and keep a person from coronary heart attack.
- Tin / fig fruit contains dietary fiber (dietary fiber) is high, making this fruit is very effective for weight loss program. Tin fruit is one of the fruits are often used as recommendations of diet experts and nutritionists in America and Europe.
- Soluble fiber in the fruit called tin called pectin helps in reducing blood cholesterol. When this fiber passes through the digestive system, this pectin fiber sweeps the cholesterol balls in the intestine and carries them out of the body.
- Figs can reduce and control high blood pressure due to high potassium (potassium), a mineral that plays a role in controlling hypertension (high blood pressure). Some people lack potassium because they avoid eating fruits and vegetables and consume more sodium, an ingredient mainly used in packaged foods.
- For people with diabetes (diabetes), fibers contained in the fruit can slow the process of absorption of glucose in the small intestine. Combined substances contained in the tin of high fiber and carbohydrates in a compact form, namely glucose and fructose can control a person's blood sugar levels. So although the taste of tin including sweet, but safe to be consumed by those who suffer from diabetes. This is in accordance with the recommendations issued by The American Diabetes Association.
- Eating figs regularly can help reduce the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer (colon). In figs tin / fig contains high "polyphenols"; Where this substance serves as an antioxidant that is very important for our body, where antioxidants can reduce the effects of cancer-causing free radicals in our body. In addition, high fiber in the fruit can also bind carcinogenic substances trigger cancer in the gastrointestinal tract.
- Fruit tar / fig is good for post-menopausal women and protection from breast cancer. Studies have shown that women who consume fruits rich in fiber regularly will reduce the chances of getting cancer and other degenerative diseases.
- The content of "coumarins" in tin / fig, can also reduce the risk of prostate cancer and also works to care for the skin.
- The content of calcium and potassium in fruits prevents thinning / bone loss (osteoporosis), while helping to increase bone density. In 100 grams of figs containing 241mg of calcium, this amount is 2 times higher than the calcium content in milk (118mg per 100gram). Potassium in figs also fight the loss of calcium through the urine so as to prevent bone content to thin out.
- The high calcium in tin / fig makes it an excellent alternative source of calcium, primarily applied to therapeutic treatment for people allergic to dairy products.
- For skinny people, a combination of fruits and milk can help you gain weight well and balanced.
- Tryptophan in figs, induces sleep to be better and helps get rid of sleep disorders like insomnia.
- Eating fruits can restore the body from fatigue, increase memory memory and prevent anemia. The results of further research found that fruits include fruit that can stimulate the formation of blood hemoglobin.
- TIN fruit does NOT contain salt, fat, and cholesterol, but it contains higher potassium, calcium, fiber and iron. This fruit contains very low sodium. Tin fruit is also rich in benzaldehyde that is anti-cancer compounds, and beta-carotene. In addition, tin / fig also contains some important vitamins such as vitamins A, B, and C.
- Fruit tin (both wet and dry) is also very good consumed by the mothers postpartum, as the supply of natural iron (fer) is much lost during childbirth. This is very different from iron supplements are sold in the market that usually even cause constipation (constipation / difficult bowel)
- Because of the benefits of laxatives (memeperlancar BAB), eating tin is very helpful to treat chronic constipation. Figs / tin has long been famous as a natural laxative.
- Daily consumption of figs is a very effective medicine for healing hemorrhoid therapy or often called hemorrhoid (in English or Latin called Hemorrhoid and in medical language called Piles). Figs containing enzymes such as flavonoids and ficin are excellent for digestion.
- Tinn is rich in phenol and natural benzaldehid as an anti-tumor agent and can kill pathogenic microorganisms, fungi and viruses in the human body.
- Tin / ara fruit is very useful in overcoming various respiratory disorders including whooping cough and asthma. Fruit tin works by normalizing breathing.
- When applied to the skin, baked figs can cure inflammation such as abscesses (ulcers) and boils.
- Figs can also act as excellent skin cleansers; Also helps in preventing and curing acne. Way, eat regularly this fruit, or crushed fresh tin and apply to face, leave for 10-15 minutes. The reason behind this therapy is, the tin contains some useful alkaline minerals to help regulate the body's pH balance; And this is useful for skin health.
- The active substances contained in the tin are a kind of cleaning agents that can be used to treat the external wound by means of membumurinya.
- Eating figs effectively treat sore throat (afternoon throat) because of the high content of mucus.
- Fruit is sweet and soft taste is often used as a substitute for sugar. Processed figs in western countries are also often used to make processed cakes, puddings, various bread products and tarts, jams, jellies, cereal mixes for breakfast and much more.
- Fruit can be consumed by everyone, including children and is a good food for all ages, because the fruits contain high fiber and taste sweet and delicious. So it is very appropriate if we consume this fruit, as our alternative food to improve our daily health in this modern world.
- One more, figs / tins have also been used to treat sexual weakness. Way, soak about 2-3 figs in milk during the night and eat it in the morning.
- LEAF LEAF LEAVES can lower triglyceride levels, which is a form of fat found in the bloodstream. Therefore, after drinking tea leaves the body will get a fresher effect.
- In addition, tuna leaves stew is useful as a kidney stone peluruh. This is because the tin leaf contains alkaloids and saponins, which are useful as diuretics (urine peluruh).
- Tin / fig leaf decoction can help diabetics reduce the amount of insulin intake so that little by little can reduce the high content of sugar in the blood. This is in accordance with the recommendations issued by The American Diabetes Association.
- In connection with the various properties of this tin / fig, Dr. Oliver Alabaster, Director of the Institute for Disease Prevention at George Washington University Medical Center states that if a person takes figs, actually has taken food that guarantees his health in the long term. So do not be surprised if the figs / tins are called by food experts at this time as food Nutraseutikal (functional food), because the fruit is not merely contain nutritious substances, even more than that; Useful as a guard body and able to prevent attacks of certain diseases.
- In addition, the California Fig Advisory Board has said the fruit is "Nature's most nearly perfect fruit", a fruit that almost reaches the stage of perfection in its entirety.
- Glorified God who has created a scientifically proven Tin fruit contains tremendous benefits. Lastly we cited Qur'an letter 3: 191 as a reflection that God will not create anything in this universe in vain. "Those who remember Allah while standing or sitting or lying down, and they are thinking about the creation of the heavens and the earth (saying):" Our Lord! You have not created this in vain, holy, From the punishment of hell. "
Fruit Nutrition Fruit / Tin per 100 grams
Well described
That is a long list! The benefits from all fruits are just amazing!