Resistant lettuce leaves of multiple diseases!

in #healthy7 years ago

Multiple useful ingredients, such as fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, foliate, vitamin B6, vitamin C, A, E and K, which are present in the lettuce leaf, reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. In addition to this, cancer plays a special role in keeping away from diseases, increasing brain power, reducing incidence of incompensation and improving immune system.

  1. Many anti-inflammatory elements present in this genitive substance play an important role in reducing inflammation. As a result, the risk of any type of damage to the body is reduced. This page contains two components called lipoxygenes and carazenan, which play a special role in this case.

  2. There is no alternative to lettuce leaves to increase the power of neurons. And once the performance of neurons increases, memory strength improves on one hand, and the likelihood of lowering the risk of brain disorders such as Alzheimer's. Therefore, those who have a history of such type of cerebral palsy can include the Lettus leaf in the diet.

  3. There is no substitute for this material to keep the body healthy and disease free. Doctors advised to take care of the antioxidant deficiencies in the body. Antioxidants play a special role in extracting harmful toxic substances from the body as well as strengthening the immune system.

  4. Latex leaf contains plenty of angioedema, which plays a special role in reducing the level of stress and angiati levels. For this reason, if the stress or anxiety increases, the lettuce leaves are encouraged to eat the water by boiling it.

  5. Multiple studies have shown that when eating regular juice of lethood leaves, the amount of antioxidant levels in the body increases so much that the risk of the birth of cancer cells is reduced considerably. As it has been discussed earlier, this element finds out the toxic elements after entering the body. As a result, they do not get the chance to get close to cancer.