“How To Get More Energy and a Healthier Body After 50”

in #healthy7 years ago


Weight gain, fatigue, foggy thinking and achy joints — these are the hallmarks of what we call "aging".

But according to one doctor, that may be about to change.

"Every year we get older. But what this discovery means is, we don't have to feel older, and we don't have to look older," says Dr. Rand McClain, one of the top regenerative medicine specialists in Los Angeles.

Dr. McClain's theory — based on the study of telomeres at Harvard Medical School — suggests people can actually improve their own energy and physical health, at-home, without expensive treatments.

"There's five easy lifestyle changes I recommend people make," says Dr. McClain. "Just five, and you do them all at home. They're all really easy, and free, and if you do them, you're going to notice a dramatic change in the way you look and feel. It's as simple as that."

McClain recently put his complete method into a free online video, which has since gone viral. People who have tried it call the video "stunning," and one health expert commented: "This really is a gamechanger. I haven't looked and felt this good in years."