Being happy is the main destination to lots of people. We are all trying to get there but most of the time with the wrong tools. Trying to use everything out to make us feel happier, fulfilled then realising that it doesn’t work. It is just temporary. The feeling inside remains the same.
For so long I have been thinking that once I will get "this" everything will be all right, once I will get this amazing master I will have a great life. Until I realised that no matter what kind of degree, knowledge, outfits, boyfriend I get… I will still feel the same inside. Nothing would change. Nothing of this will make me more in peace with myself. Living a life where I am already happy of what I have right now, don’t need anything else, getting back in my body and be more focus on what I do have and be grateful for that. This was the answer.
Gratitude is a state, a real free gift. Most of the time we tend to forget how powerful this practice can be, though it can actually be so helpful. For me it has been such a big change, an amazing gift found inside myself helping me to be ok with what I had, be grateful about it and to understand that nothing more or less will change the state where I am.
Showing gratitude is a really calming exercise. It relieves tension, puts us in a more alert, enthusiasm, optimism state. The point is that we are not only focused on thing that does not work in our life. It drives us to realise that life is maybe not that bad that we may think it is.
Every Morning, I start my day with some random writing including making a list of 20 things I am grateful for.
Well, try to find 10 points in your life that you are grateful for - not too hard - but start to be in lack of inspiration so from that add 10 more. Yes, it is quite intense but it is the point. By pushing ourselves to find 20 things we are grateful for in our lives, about ourselves, our day before, we are going to look also at all the little detail in our life that seems insignificant but in reality are important to point out. All this thing that may not matter in our head, became full of meaning in reality.
There are so many ways of course to practice gratitude, I have found this one really powerful and effective because it pushes to recognised that we take for granted so many little things in our life. We don’t realise anymore how lucky we are to be able to do all this little simple task such as having a great sleep, in a warm bed, be able to wake up… All this things are not usual task, we are doing them like robot. Whereas it is important to be grateful for it. Being grateful for every little thing around us even the aspect of life that seem not important.
Dare to say thank you for what we have in your life. The more grateful we are, the more grateful things will come to us. By being focus on things that make life an amazing journey, we let ourselves be focus and awareness of what we have and start to be happy about it, satisfied about it. The more grateful we are the better we are focused on what is good for us. No matter how life seems to be right now (bad, ugly, hopeless) there is always thing to be grateful for. Even a great sleep, being able to wake up, to laugh. So many people are not even able to do so. Don’t be ashamed to be grateful for little detail in your life because of everything matters.
Practicing gratitude helps to put more perspective in our life also. Ours problems becomes a bit smaller. It stops us to fall into this loop of complaining. Letting ourselves only focus on what we don’t have. I found myself so many time in this desperate mood, complaining over complaining about how my life was so miserable, so empty, missing so many things… Even though nothing of that was really true. I was too focused on this “horrible” part of my life that I was missing the beautiful part of life. The luck I had to at least being alive, able to talk, even able to complain.
Gratitude push to realise that our problems sometimes are maybe not that big that we may think, We just let our head overblow the situation. This is why when we lack gratitude we easily fall into a disrespectful state about ourselves and other people around us. We lose our ability to focus on what is amazing in our life and just desire something else.
Once we start to be more grateful on what we have we became more focus on what we want to and start appreciate thing in a more deep way. Everything becomes much easier. We attract better thing and people feel more attracted to us. From a grateful state all we want come more easily to us because we are not in this angered state to have but already happy and thankful for what we have. We allow ourselves to be focus on things that have a more positive impact on our lives.
Absolutely. This is something I've been trying to do on a daily basis.
Being grateful for the smallest things we often take for granted can completely change your mindset.
For example, I actively remind myself that I am grateful to have a roof over my head, a warm bed to get in at the end of a day, a job that helps to pay my bills, clean running water, food, family, health.
Life is great if you're grateful for everything it brings!