use of sweet neem

in #healthy7 years ago

There is lot of use of hard leaf in India. In South India, food is not made without these leaves. In addition to food, it is used in many ayurvedic things. We should plant it in our homes and the neighbors should also take advantage of it. The hard leaves are also called sweet neem. It lowers cholesterol, helps fight infections and should be used to chew some neem leaves neem leaves daily to reduce
Use of straw leaves on nausea or dyspepsia is beneficial. Eat lemon in curry leaves and add some sugar to it and take it.

To remove obesity, chew leaves of curry leaves every day. This will surely benefit.

Curry leaf is also very useful in enhancing our eyesight. Even it is effective in removing cataract-like illness.

Eat Curry Leaves if hair is turning or white. If you do not like whole curry leaves, then make a powder by eating it in a meal and eat it.

If you eat diabetite patient curry leaves regularly for three months every morning, it will be beneficial. If diabetes is obesity, then Kari Patta can remove obesity and cure diabetes.

Not only the Kadi patta but also its root is also quite useful. Those who have pain in kidneys, if they drink their juice they will definitely benefit.

If curry leaves are mixed with asafetida in the stomach, it helps remove digestion and digest food easily.