Follow your dreams

in #healthylifestyle6 years ago (edited)

Jump toward your dreams.

Don’t t let anybody stop you from doing what you believe in. Including yourself.
How many times have you heard one of your friends dads drunk story about how they invented something that you were using, or something on tv. Or how you yourself wanted to invest in something. Bitcoin, marijuana stocks, or a peice of property you wanted to buy ten years ago when you had the money and you heard its now valued at ten times what you could have paid for it. These stories and experiences are all to frequent. The upsets are traumatic, most people dont make it through their first huge failure Or never forgive themself for “missing their big chance” .

I have failed many big attempts at escaping the status quo. I started a construction remodeling company and broke even, shut down shop the first 6months.. Started a dropshipping company online called Didnt make a single sale. I continue to lose and gain in the stock market. I have tried my own window washing company, i also have had many other small ventures that never really stuck. Its really hard being an entrepreneur. People look at your failures as stupidity or improper focus. People who are stuck in the rat race can not figure out why you would take that money you worked hard for and risk it all on an idea. Or dont have the fortitude or the understanding of why you take the only time before and after work to work on something that isnt making you any money. It is difficult to push passed the constant bombardment of the majority telling you how hard it is or how expensive its going to be. Its cumbersome holding the weight of statistics that say 80 percent of businesses fail in their first Year. Its like trudging through lead moving through failure after failure somehow making it to each tasteless destination to find your travels were moot. On to the next obsticle with more weight to

That is why everyone is not wealthy. Its a miserable learning curve, especially for those with little to begin with. This is why it is so hard to succeed. People just want to stay comfortable. Complacent with their “things” their safe investment 401k and their 60 year work 20 year live on a fixed income retirement plan. Never making that self scooping cat litter box they came up with that would have made them millions. Or never opening up that antique shop, instead worked in a trade they could not stand for a person that does not appreciate them. I want to share with you the reality that these failures in life are not the end of your potential for success. They are a nudge forward. The same as learning that fire is hot. Some lessons are painful but without the pain of being burnt you could risk catastrophe. lacking the knoledge and experience. Through pain you learn the nesseccary tools to prevent the same mistake down the road when it really matters.

What is it that you wish to accomplish in your life?
I have struggled with this question a lot myself. What do i want to accomplish? Or what do i want to do. The answer for me has been many times nothing.

In reality, what do i want to wake up and HAVE to do to survive? Not a thing. Id love to be able to do many things. But i have a hard time with what i can do that im passionate about.

Our dreams are the life-blood of our existence. Our dreams and aspirations fuel us with a true purpose and a deeper meaning inspiring us to share our gifts to the world. What we desire to create warms our heart, fires up our resolve, and clarifies our mind through an esteemed vision that fuels us within.

Everything begins at first as a seed, a bud that we nurture to full blossom. Through the mosaic of our minds we are given divine flashes of insight and sparks of poetic beauty that we get to mold and shape. Our dreams are a reflection of who we are at our most brave and courageous. I dream about a nice peice of property and plants and animals but i also dream of huge gardens and solving world problems and having a positive influence. I am passionate about clean water and healthy food for everyone. I dont think youve ever seen a man look at dirt the way i do my soil.I believe in that. Now how am i gonna get there? That is the question.
How are you gonna get there?
What are you willing to put off today in order to get to where you wanna be? What are you willing to do extra. And im not talking about just one thing an hour a day like a chore. What thing will you be willing to do for 4 to 6 hours on top of what you are already doing every day to make those goals. Most people dont have it in them. I am just convincing myself as of latlety that i have it in me. Because i am doing extra. I am going for my dreams. Im picking up other peoples dreams. I want to see everyone become successful if what they are doing helps people. All it comes down to is work ethic.

Work ethic is a belief that hard work and diligence have a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen character and individual abilities.[1] It is a set of values centered on importance of work and manifested by determination or desire to work hard. Social ingrainment of this value is considered to enhance character through hard work that is respective to an individual’s field of work. People who possess a strong work ethic embody certain principles that guide their work behavior, leading them to produce high-quality work consistently and the output motivates them to stay on track. A good work ethic fuels an individual’s needs and goals, it is related to the initiative by a person for the objectives. It is considered as a source of self respect, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Once you find the thing you enjoy that you are good at run with it. Work like your life depends on it. Like your happiness depends on it. Important things to strive for are

Goal-oriented actions: it is not about making plans or the next logical steps; it’s about getting things done so that the work invested wouldn’t be counter-productive.
Prioritized focus: focusing on qualitative activities that a person is capable and in areas where they can make a difference or a high impact based on objectives.
Being available and reliable: spending time on the work and building oneself up for the task.
Conscientiousness: a desire to do a task well, being vigilant and organized.
Creating a rewarding routine/system: Engaging in tasks that provide strength and energy which can be transferred to your ultimate goals, creating a habit and a habitat for success.
Embracing positives just be happy where you are.. chose to see the way it can help you not how its harming you.
.Set daily goals for yourself.
Take risks and chase success.
Surround yourself with successful people.
Be focused on your goals and make your life goal oriented.
Imagine and visualize yourself being successful.
Make a plan or blueprint for success.
Be spontaneous and listen to your gut.

Jump toward your dreams before its too late. I would rather listen to my gut or my instinct than someone who doesnt have what i want. Thats why its important to have a mentor. I have a few people i gain motivation from. To have someone already successful to use as a mold for what to mirror is an amazing tool accessible for free and i suggest you see that before it passes you by. Never before in the history of man have we been able to move written word at the speed of light. Its just amazing what would have cost thousands to sit with a wealthy business owner and learn his success steps if he would even give his time. Now you get live stream millionaires eager to spill the beans just to get more views to make more money. The time is now. Whatever your niche is. If you are into t shirts. Or fishing poles. It doesnt matter. Start something and the rest will fall into place. Your hard work and dedication focused on anything of value will result in success. Just have to beleive. Work hard and achieve.2q5oks #Newyearnewyou. Do you have a new years resolution!

everything worth having in life takes ACTION.
As people we get so caught up in the fear of failure that we never even DREAM, let alone jump toward one. So id like to kick off this new year with..
If you don’t have dreams, you don’t have a direction, if you don’t have a direction, you are destined to go nowhere. Weather your dream is to be in great shape, make a certain income, or just be a better you, it remains a dream unless you DO something about it.