Raw Foodies: Dank Mango-Chia-Almond Pudding

Hi everysteembody,

today I have another dank recipe for you its very very easy, with only 3 ingredients.
It's super nutritious and healthy and of course, it's super super delicious!

You'll need:
1 Mango
1 tablespoon full of Chia Seeds
2 tablespoon full of Almond Creme

  1. Blend up one half of the mango together with the almond creme and 200-300 ml of water.
  2. Cut the other half of the mango to little cubes and add the half of that to the blended creme.
  3. Add the chia seeds also, stir regularly and let it sit for about 15 min. so the chia seed can swell up
  4. Put the creme into your favorite desert glasses and decorate with mango cubes.
  5. Put the glasses into the fridge and try to wait at least an hour before you eat up all the pudding.
  6. Remember to keep some leftovers for your kids, your husband or your guests.

If you like to watch me prepare it for myself watch this video and for more healthy raw-vegan recipes follow me on youtube.

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Ich liebe Raw-Food. Weiter so. Sieht so lecker aus. Ich habe in der letzten Woche tolle Mangos von Orkos erhalten. Die waren richtig lecker. Bis demnächst.

Danke! Ist auch super lecker!