Today I want to share this teaching with you, I hope that you take it to your spirit and decide to change the way you have walked, God wants to use you in these times but there are areas that must be healed in the now;
The highest level of consecration to God is passion, because it is contagious. When you see someone who is passionate, you say, "I want that."
“Jehovah is near to the brokenhearted; and save the contrite in spirit. " Psalms 34:18
Declare on this day: God, change my heart. I want to be transformed; I want to be changed into the image of Your son, Jesus Christ. Today I receive the revelation, because I came to be changed and transformed.
For change and transformation to occur you must be broken. There are two ways how your heart breaks. You do it voluntarily, or God allows a crisis to come to break you.
What is your breaking point?
There are people who are stubborn, but even God can break them. In the Bible, every person to whom Jesus performed a miracle was at his
Each person has a breaking point.
The Principle of Breakdown
Why do we need to be broken? There are several things in our hearts with which God is not content, and so we must be broken. If you are not broken, it is not an instrument ready to be used by God.
The area in which you are not broken is the area in which Jesus is not your Lord.
If you don't want to learn the hard way, willingly submit, and allow yourself to be broken.
Do you know that God has a will and purpose for your life? However, there are so many obstacles that stand in the way, in order to move us away from that purpose; unless we are broken. When you offer God a broken heart, your heart becomes a sacrifice for Him. A broken and contrite spirit gives off a scent, a perfume pleasing to God. Those with a broken heart are those who do not want to be in control of their lives, but want God to control them.
A broken heart is one that is in total submission to God. It is the point where we stop arguing with God and only do His will. It is taking responsibility and being accountable to God. It is leaving the pretexts for not doing His will, and deciding to die to ourselves, to serve God.
Why God allows crises to come into our lives
Before the crisis you were proud, and you were self-sufficient, you were in control of yourself, but after the crisis, you start crying out to God and it is easier for you to give everything to Him.
When you are broken, you know that your only alternative is God.
God allows the crisis to come into our lives when we are not willing to do it for ourselves. There are many obstacles that God must remove from our path, such as selfishness, pride, rebellion, and independence. God will not stop until you see your broken heart. It doesn't matter if you try to run away or resist it.
The difference between a wounded heart and a broken heart
Many confuse a broken heart with a wounded heart. The wounded heart is infected and aching. Many carry wounds from the past and wonder why they are not free. It is because they have not yet been broken.
The broken heart does not resist change. You are ready to move to another level and no matter what it takes, you will not fight with Him.
A wounded person will minister from his pain and his wounds.
When a person hits rock bottom they are ready to submit to God. If you have been injured, you need to be healed. And to be healed you must surrender.
"The sacrifices of God are the broken spirit; You will not despise the contrite and humiliated heart, O God. " Psalms 51:17
What is a broken heart?
A broken heart is a heart that has surrendered and submitted to God. A broken heart is humble. A broken heart is one that has yielded to God. Even if it is difficult to submit and surrender, step aside, and allow God to take control.
The Purpose of Breakdown
When God wants to break us, He is looking at something that we do not see. He not only sees the crisis we are going through, but he sees the purpose. He sees maturity and transformation. So don't complain about your crisis, because it's only a stepping stone to your purpose. Don't make your pain an idol.
The condition for God to heal your pain is that you are completely broken.
The word "give in" means giving up your rights and dying yourself. Regardless of who harmed you or what happened to you, give up your rights. Some rights are legitimate, but when you surrender to Him, you are willing to give up your rights. God is asking you to give up your rights and allow you to take charge of mistakes. When your heart is broken it is easy for you to give up your rights.
!! Many Christians do not want to do this because they are selfish. When you are broken it is easy to die to yourself and your ego, even when you are right.
Die to the natural to live in the Supernatural.
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"He heals the brokenhearted, and bandages their wounds." Psalms 147: 3
If you are hurt in any area of your life, repeat this sentence out loud:
Heavenly Father, I come before Your presence and surrender everything. I yield my heart and submit my heart to you right now. Sir, I am hurt and in pain. Right now, the blood of Jesus and Your presence come upon me and heal me of all pain and wound.
Right now I forgive every person who has hurt me, and I let them go. I declare that I am healed. Jesus, I ask that Your kingdom come and Your will be done. My heart is now broken and I give it to You. I give you every area of my life!
I repeat,! For change and transformation to occur you must be broken. There are two ways how your heart breaks. You do it voluntarily, or God allows a crisis to break it, which one will you decide? What will you do now?
If you have been resisting God in any area, repeat this prayer out loud:
Heavenly Father, I regret having resisted Your will and Your purpose. You have a purpose for me. Forgive me for being a rebel. Right now, in the name of Jesus, I repent and surrender to You. I give you my heart right now. Forgive me and cleanse me with Your blood. I commit myself to Your purpose and to do Your will, and right now I declare that I am free in the name of Jesus! Amen!
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