A heart attack is one of the problems most affecting the lives of the people because the heart is the main center of life and this risk of heart attack is higher in some diseases. Patients who suffering from schizophrenia, Parkinson or epilepsy have a more heart attack risk. These diseases based on brain. Human brain is most complicated part of the body of a person. The brain directly controls the heart through sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system. According to the latest searches, they which suffering from these diseases had died 10 years earlier from cardiovascular diseases than a normal human and their heart attack risk is %50 greater than other patients which had heart problems. Another study found that schizophrenia patients were three times more likely to experience sudden unexpected death than people in the general population. In another study, schizophrenia patients with cardiovascular disease were reported to be smoking, and hypertension due to their health problems. Epilepsy is a very common disease in neurological systems. Approximately 50 million people in the world are affected by this disease. Approximately 12% of the world's population has an increasingly epilepsy effect and presence in elderly people . Epilepsy is characterized by sudden repetitive and short-term behavior impairment and increases risk of heart attack.
EEG measures the voltage fluctuations of brain neurons. Parkinson's disease was first discovered in London by James Parkinson in 1817. This disease is the second cerebral disease after Alzheimer's disease. People are affected by this disease between 4 and 6 million in worldwide. After Parkinson, the most common brain disease is Alzheimer's disease. This project is based on predicting heart attacks by observing brain signals of these patients. It is useful to have brain signals taken by under control a neurologist before the patients have a heart attack. After which brain waves are observed on this time, it is understood that such patients will have a heart attack and will try to predict the risk of a new heart attack. For taking and recording signals from brain used electroencephalography(EEG) method. Use the appropriate software to process the data we have obtained with this method. In this project MATLAB is used. Brain signals are first filtered, then they are trained by using artificial neural networks and it is aimed to make prediction by generating a reference signal using ANN method. End of these process errors will be calculating, and the sensitivity of our neural network will be calculating.