Solstice Sol Shakedown

in #heart3 years ago

Last night I participated in a wonderful event at the Oasis Speakeasy in Portland, OR. We gathered during the full moon on the week of the summer solstice to offer metaphysical guidance, divination, energy work and more. All offerings were made on a donation basis. My role at the event was as an Esotetic Artist.
As a collage artist for over a decade I've had the potential todo both live collage art and I've been commissioned to do pieces. For this event,I wanted to push my own boundaries as a artist, a Magick weaver, an intuitive, a healer and more. So, I decided to offer custom-made collage trading cards. The idea was that if a person was interested, we would sit and talk and I would open myself emphatically, intuitively, and through the Heart and create a custom collage piece on the spot. The intention was to create pieces that would empower, inspire, heal, and lead the receiver to greater depths of self reflection and healing. During this time I also offered collage prints by donation and did live collage while waiting for someone to take me up on the custom trading card.
Well, this lovely young woman that I'm acquainted with came over to my space and sat down to say hello and inquire on my offerings. During conversation, I discovered she was experiencing a heavy heart due to tough issues around her work life, abundance manifestation, and family.
There were several of our friends also sitting nearby and we all became engaged in a discussion around these issues with her. I decided this was the time to do the trading card, so while we all talked, I created a personalized healing collage for her.
It was so wonderfully received. The conversation was incredibly transformative for us all. She loved the card and it spoke to her deeply.
For myself, it was an incredible experience as an artist and healer. This is an avenue I have never explored before and I'm really looking forward to doing this again. It challenged me to really let go of any control as a creator. I allowed my heart to open deeply and released to the guidance of my intuition and created something amazing, that really will have a positive impact. That feels wonderful. It was also an incredible energetic experience. It really enlivened me. I'm looking forward to the next time I get to do this. Here's a picture of the collage trading card I made. Hit me up if you'd like a custom piece too!
