When a person's psychology deteriorates, the person experiences everything without realizing it and everything seems normal.
A good eye will understand this when looking from the outside, if the room is a good observer.
The person whose psychology is broken cannot realize it himself, and those around him cannot notice it.
As far as I follow, you are experiencing volcanic eruptions inside and a tar-like glue has formed on the head of your heart and it keeps squeezing you.
You can't reach what you want to do and what you're going through, and you don't like the situation you're in and you have to live with it.
This reluctant life keeps boring you.
You are trying to get out of your heart, but there is neither someone around you who understands you nor a friend who will make the real conversation.
Therefore, you keep everything inside, which accumulates in the body, and this can take you to unexpected places.
You have a few years ahead of you and when these years pass, you will realize that you are getting old and the period of enjoying life will thus be closed.
Since you are in a herd life, you cannot take action to realize your own wishes and desires, and you are afraid to move on.
If I do this, what will the society say, if I do this, you have to shut yourself up for fear of how my environment will react, and you cannot put your own free will into practice.
There are things to live in human life, and there is a time for that.
When this time passes, one feels like a wormy fruit, so they say, everything should be done on time.
What we want to do but cannot do makes us sick over time, and this time we are trying to stand up with medicine.
The body says you couldn't meet my demands, you deprived me of the things I need, now I'm sick.
Later, we are looking for ways to keep this sick body alive, this time around, doctor to doctor.
However, if we had been able to look at ourselves and say, "What's wrong with me, from the environment and my society, I want to live my own life freely, we would have continued on the road with a solid body.
At the present stage, you experience loneliness in your most productive and most eager time to live, this loneliness makes most people suffer and when they get old, even the closest people get into an escape.
Even though a person has money, he cannot find a place to take shelter and laments there.
That is why you will do what you want to do and live what you want to live so that you can stay healthy.
A rose's lifespan is a certain time, and when its time is up, no one even smells it, it fades away in a corner.
Free will refuses to fade quickly and wants to remain a rose alive for the rest of life.
Some of them narrow their range of action with their own hands and say, what could I do if it was my destiny.
Everyone comes into this world naked as an individual and is responsible for their own life.
Here, the first thing he will take care of is the body in which he lives.
Her husband and children or neighbors are co-stars in a series of movies.
In this world, everyone plays their part, and when the role is over, they leave the movie set without consulting anyone.
Some keep their roles long and continue to play.
An actor doesn't go black because a friend of mine left the movie set because he was just a co-star.
The point here is how to play the rest of the movie.
Some move on and continue their game in higher dimensions, while others screw up their game and last until the end.
But the game he plays is useless and does not yield any benefits.
Then it can be said that at any time, I will play this game for myself and play it perfectly.
No, if you play for others, this game ceases to be a game.
What I'm saying is that it is necessary to complete the rest of life at the level of the main players, without old age knocking on the door, without having any trouble.