Your Body Gives You a Month before a Heart Attack

in #heart7 years ago (edited)

Shortness of breath

Dyspnea or shortness of breath is another signal of heart attack risk. The inability to breathe deeply and dizziness occur in men and women and can appear even 6 months before a heart attack. It is also a warning sign of other medical conditions.


Fatigue affects about 70% of women where unexplained fatigue is another indicator of impending heart attack. This happens mostly in women than men. Physical activity does not cause fatigue and the symptom may go unnoticed. Small tasks like showering, cooking or making the bed may cause you to be fatigued.


Insomnia has always been associated with the risk of heart attack or stroke. This is common among women where insomnia also indicates stress, PTSD, anxiety and absentmindedness. A person may find it difficult to fall asleep and wakes up too early in the morning.

Abdominal pain

Nausea, bloating, upset stomach and abdominal pain are common signals which occur in both men and women. Abdominal pains before a heart attack will be episodic meaning they ease up and return again in a short while. Physical tension also increases abdominal pain.

Excessive perspiration

Excessive sweating is another sign that could appear a month before heart attack. Night sweating especially will increase along with hot flashes which are also similar to symptoms of menopause. You may experience flu type symptoms, clamminess and sweatiness regardless of temperature and activity.

Chest pain

This, of course, is one of the most important signs of an impending heart attack which appears in different intensities and frequency. Men especially should never ignore such a sign as it affects men more than women. Chest pain affects 30% of women. The pain can even increase causing uncomfortable sensations in both arms, lower jaw, neck and shoulders or even the stomach. If this happens, call emergency right away.