in #heartchurch5 years ago (edited)

Our eye is a powerful gift from God
Our desires comes upon our eyes set on our needs
And our need pushes us into actions
that births good or bad in our functions

As machines we were created to serve purpose
My car my comfort, my home my dwelling place
All humans for God’s own comfort
So then why should my body wrong my creator
When it was design to serve him?

A good question to ask
As I ponder on this again and again,
it brings back my sense of direction
to regain my strength again

no wonder Paul advised,
cut it off if it wrongs you or your creator,
oh you my precious eye, oh you my precious eye,
why should you befall me? I ask and he crises,

I am only serving the purpose I was created for
“Spare me this accusation”, the eye said.
As I ponder upon this answers,
a deep sense of conscience echoes
silently, the eyes is not wicked

suddenly set in doubt, the eye is wicked
if not why did it allows David to see Uriah's
wife nakedness and cause him to desire to
sleep with her and kill the husband?

Hahahahahahaha the eye laughed

So a powerful and logical accusation,
the eyes exclaimed
Listen to yourself, “desire you said”
the eye defended, as I was created,
my duty is to see all things, but it is your
choice to decide and know what you want
from my twin’s brother (THE MIND).

We are twin brother from creation
and he is wiser in his purpose when it comes to decision making,
Careful what you see less the whole body fall into pit,
Ask the blind their experience in darkness, then you will adour the gift of sight.
I am serving my purpose THE EYE defended.

Don’t worship me, but value me
Don’t misused me respect me
I work with principle I was frame with
Careful in your desire when u see
Respect everything control certain things
Checkmate your decision
Count your steps
Bow to knowledge
Seek for wisdom
And you will conquer your Sight.

