USA vs Randall Beane, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Indictment

in #heather7 years ago

So most of you have heard about USA vs. Randall Beane, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf case, but for the few of you still scratching your heads and wondering what is going on. I am going to try and break it down for you. A quick disclaimer before I start: I want to help the public become more aware of the possibilities that there is a federal account out there with your name on it. I don't recommend trying to use the account at this time due to the pending USA vs Randall Beane; Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Indictment is settled. I am trying to collect facts, so if you see something omitted or incorrect please comment below with source links and I will add it to the time line.

So let's start with the basic information we should all know:

March 19th, 1933 the united states declared bankruptcy.

1933 a MAJOR event happened in America. The constitutional money (gold) banned and forcefully all of the property in America become mortgaged and kept (in a Trust) for the Federal Reserve bank as a guarantee for the national debt. This done without the knowledge or permission of the American people.

You shifted into being a ward of the state when you receive a birth certificate and social security card.

1933 was the year the Government launched a formulation of the ALL CAPITAL letter strawman names ( the newly required Birth certificates) for American citizens thus generating a new class of "Persons" as debtor slaves.

On June 5th, 1933 the UNITED STATES Congress passed House Joint Resolution 192 (declaration of bankruptcy.) Congress declared in HJR 192 that demanding payments in Gold (constitutional money) or any particular form would now be against public policy. President Roosevelt then issues an executive order 6102 forbidding the hoarding of gold coins, gold bullion, and certificates.

With this decree, Roosevelt required that most of the gold in circulation be shifted to Federal Reserve Banks across the nation under the threat of imprisonment.

Part Eight of the British System

This act declared that when the state treasury department could no longer "pay" its debts and was jeopardizing its depositors and creditors, the secretary of banking would be designated as receiver for the treasury and he was to file a certificate of possession in Dauphin County's Prothonotary's Office in Harrisburg, the state Capitol. As receiver for the State treasury and all its offices (meaning all the county treasurers), William D. Gordon, Secretary of Banking, was granted the authority by Act III to appoint a fiduciary to manage all the financial matters of the State. He also had the power to assign as security for loan contracts from the Federal Government, all property in the state, real and personal, resources and many other assets as insurance to the Federal Reserve.

Freedom Movement

Some in the freedom movement think that if we only say the right thing or file the correct paperwork, the system will be forced to comply with the law. But in truth, the system has never been designed for this, its designed to appear lawful; acting in the color of law. It is an illusion of justice. It is a for profit private enterprise that has usurped a once valid method of settling disputes, chiefly interested in deceiving and defrauding their patrons; the unwitting masses. At best it is a summary justice system, a type of 'fast-food' justice that offers the same deleterious effects on society as processed food has on health.

Your social security card is not yours; it's the governments.

Once the social security is applied to our personal names without our consent, there will always be a record of you. We have the right to withdraw it because it was applied for without our consent. We have a choice as a private citizen to use or not to use the number. This card gives banks access to withdraw funds from your account at will.

So if banks can use your social at will to take your funds why have you not been able to access your funds associated with your social security number. Social security was intended to help the citizens, but we are constantly being told that we don't have the authority to use our social security account?

Social Security Credit Union

A local, not-for-profit, member-owned financial cooperative located in Birmingham Alabama. Chartered in 1947, established to serve employees and retired employees of the "Social Security Administration and other Department of Health and Human Services offices" in the Metropolitan Birmingham area.

Why is there only one Social Security Credit Union in existence? Did you know there was such a place?

We are worth $630,000 in collateral & the (Strawman theory).

So before you run off and start demanding your money and becoming a paper terrorist it is important to understand that the government doesn't want you to know about this; thus making it difficult to find documents proving that this actually is true.

Treasury Direct Account, TDA, and Federal Reserve Accounts

Everyone is using the abbreviation TDA, and mixing it with the Federal Reserve Accounts when they have nothing to do with each other​. is a place to purchase​ treasury​ notes and bonds. There is no such thing as treasury​ direct accounts associated with the Federal Reserve. Note: Stay away from the Federal Reserve, you don't​ have the right to use that account information.

There is an account set up in your name, and trust was created the day you were born. There are state, federal and international accounts in your name holding millions of dollars. Everything on the planet was put into​ a trust then into a fractalized​ trust meaning that it belongs to you. These​ accounts are tied to your​ (social security card/ATM CARD) with out the strip.

TDA unfettered​ access to funds​ can cause a significant disruption around the world. Imagine if all 350 million American​ shareholders had access to these​ accounts at once. Unfettered​​ access to​ TDA's would cause a complete​​ meltdown; thus the reason why I am creating this post on the USA vs. ​Randall Beane, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf Indictment.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf a U.S. attorney, but is she an attorney?

Yes, she is.

“She is a lawyer trained at Gonzaga University in UCC law, entered the banking industry as a compliance officer, working internationally and in the USA.”

“She was later a family law prosecutor in Pierce County, Washington State.”

“Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is an expert in trade and finance banking, UCC Contract Law and the judicial system.”

“Known for her knack of ferreting out deeply hidden fraud.” “Swiss bankers ask her to evaluate suspect commercial lending, paper coming from corporate groups related to the Bush/Cheney complex of corporations known in banking circles as the “Texas Camp.”

“Heather found that nearly all the loans were fraudulently made banking documents.” She reversed engineered a trail of banking and insurance fraud.” “Loans were deliberately created with as many as four mortgage default insurance policies per property and sold to people the banks knew could not afford the loans.”


Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf a U.S. attorney, and financial expert spear-heading a campaign​. Tucci-Jarraf was trying her best to return funds to hands of the legal​ owner, and that is you.

Tucci-Jarraf, OPPT trustee, ​and Treasury Direct Account usage (TDA) promoter were arrested ​by the FBI in Washington D.C. recently. Her arrest was peculiar and could be an effort on the part of the shadow government to make an example of a rather public figure who is advocating the use of the TDAs.

On July 12, 2017, ​Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, Randell Beane's attorney called Knox County Jail to check the status of Randall Keith Beane after his brutal arrest and beating. Randell Beanne was arrested​ and jailed on


– Wire fraud (5 counts) (Beane only)
– Bank fraud (6 counts) (Beane only)
– Conspiracy to commit money laundering (7 counts) (Beane & Tucci-Jarraf)

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Tucci-Jarraf made several calls to the Knox County Jail to check the Walefair​ of her client.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf arrested

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf was detained​​ and taken to Central Booking in D.C by three federal agents​ with the terrorism​ task force on or around 10:00 am on July 25th. She was arrested​ at a hotel while outside smoking, on a fugitive warrant​​ according to @TheLightReports, (an independent reporter investigating the arrest.) The reporter states, authorities​ claim that she has an outstanding warrant​ in another state, and began getting the run around to where the warrant​ originated.

Latest dockets.

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Federal Reserve Act:

"Should a Federal Reserve bank be dissolved or go into liquidation, any surplus remaining, after the payment of all debts, dividend requirements as hereinbefore provided, and the par value of the stock, shall be paid to and become the property of the United States and shall be similarly applied".



EDIT: Just to add one more voice to the accessing of the TDA, *Expect to be met with stiff fines and harsh penalties, I would advise against following that rabbit for now.

Original message:
While I've been a member of Steemit for a while, I have yet to learn the ins and outs. How and why does this post have no replies? I understand the $ amount is hidden, are replies as well?