The language of ivrit ( עברית ) Genesis 3, DTube Video #1

in #hebrew7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to my DTube Hebrew reading & language series.

The full study is now on line covering the Alef-Beyt here in my blog. This is a beginners program to teach letters, vowels, and reading. The vowels are marked in this bible and are designed to help avoid confusion on what a word is and how it is pronounced. The confusion is obvious in the hundreds of interpretations globally. In modern Hebrew, only children need a niqqud or vowel marking for each letter. Old manuscripts also usually have vowels marked.

We are reading Genesis 3:1-5

The serpent comes on the scene all crafty and the first thing he does is question what the Father of all creation said.

Every time I hear someone say something like, "But God doesn't really mean we cannot have statues." or "Do we really have to relax and read the bible all day on Saturday?", followed by, "that doesn't seem right..."

Questioning what God did or did not say is the first sign you are heading off the straight and narrow. It is kind of like those bumps or grooves that you hear if you swerve onto the shoulder of the highway.

The other thing is that the serpent spoke to the woman. The best she could do was give him what is called "hear say" about what God did or did not say. That loving advice was spoken by God to the man in Genesis 2:17, before she was made. This is likely why she embellished the command, adding the part about not even touching the fruit as if that would be lethal.

The first had witness of what God had commanded was standing right there, some verbs spoken by the serpent are "you plural", and the Tanakh clearly said that the man was with her when she ate.

Dealing with the Devil

Deals with this thing always contain a twisted version of what God said, then a promise that is only partially true. "You will be like God," able to create whole worlds and animals? No, this deal would add just one aspect of God that would hardly be useful, ei; the cause of all murder, strife, and discontent, "knowing good and evil."

The serpent was not a snake

If it were, the order to crawl on its belly and eat dust would be like saying, "stay the same". I assume appendages were removed and also the ability to climb trees taken. Last I checked snakes are very good at climbing and prefer anything but dust. We may be talking about an earthworm or some larger version of it.

As we read further, some of what I said will clearly be seen as a converse truth, other parts will be obvious conjecture. Much can be learned by seeing what was said, if (fill in a scripture), then therefore (fill in the blank) must not be true.

Today's reading


Here are the links

Please click over to DTube and read the above passage with me in Hebrew.

▶️ DTube

Note: my pronunciation of The Name as Yehovah is explained more fully in Genesis 2, DTube Video #2 and the coinciding audio is linked here.

If you are just starting, my lessons are all here starting at Alef, adding vowels (the dots and lines) as we go, the sofit formations and numerical values. Just go to my blog and scroll to the bottom or click here

Get your Hebrew Bible now!

Click here to obtain the book we are using. It is a free download - or browser usable.

Thanks for taking the time to watch and read.

Shabbat Shalom

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"Genesis 3:1-5" in Hebrew! It's pretty amazing and you found an interesting way to teach it! Specially the video lesson of reading is really helpful! Really appreciate your effort and thank you!@hebrew,

Shabbat Shalom~

Hello Teacher @hebrew
I pray to God for your sound health Amen <3 I always feel an honor for me to interact with you because due to your efforts I made my basics of this wonderful language #hebrew good. The way you expressed the things in depth & details is highly appreciated. Being a Sociologist, I am always curious to know the various cultures of the world and cultures can be understood by knowing the languages of that region. I am so obliged that you gave me a detailed lesson about this awesome and an ancient language of the world.

very good your post @hebrew every day I learn many more things from the bible

Me gusto mucho esta lectura sobre el Génesis 3: 1-5, existen muchas interrogantes en cuanto a lo que hicieron Adán y Eva para ser expulsados del jardín del Edén!

Shabbat Shalom.... a very good lesson today. Upvoted.

Shabbat Shalom! I wish you did a series on the portion every week! But this is great! I am teaching my kids ancient history this year through homeschooling Torah. It’s a Torah based curriculum. It has been truly eye opening the misinterpretation we’ve done to Gods Word! Hope you are very successful with this! Blessings!

Agreed! It is wonderful that you can teach your children from home. For me, the blessing started rolling in when I stopped and looked at the Mitzvot and obeyed them. I have many friends who have done the same with the same results. Between keeping Shabbat and bringing the tithes into the storehouse so there may be food in His house, the windows of heaven have been opened in our lives. Shalom

Como siempre un excelente post, tus métodos de enseñanza muy agradables, gracias .

Oh oh!!!!
Better late than never, though I'm reading this late but I just have to share my own thought
Idolatry isn't a good thing.
I was expecting learning of Hebrew language as usual but the one you posted is awesome, taking me back to what the Bible says about idolatry and how we shouldn't have anything g to do with it.
Nice post.
@hebrew keep making us remember about jehovah and teaching us his doctrines

I'm happy to have read this

Those were just a couple examples. Then there is the part about "You shall not make for yourself a god in the image of..."

We say OMG and "My god would never say...." Guess what? If it is not in line with the God, then it is a god that you imagine would never say (fill in the blank), order (fill in the blank) or allow x, y or z.

A wonderful lesson, my friend and the interpretation of Being in Hebrew, the language of antiquity and wisdom is very interesting, especially the part where we are talking about the snake and how to understand what is happening! Thank you @hebrew

The serpent .... “nachash” is a very mysterious character and symbol... I have always been confused by Jesus saying... be wise as serpents. Matt 10:16 And John 3:14 14 .... Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”

Useful posts, good luck, I also want to learn your language too.

Great lesson of Hebrew language.thanks for sharing. very useful information. very good this article.
100% like and resteem

Awesome Dtube! Very communicative teaching methods and approaches. It's great to keep following and following up. Thanks sir.

Hebrew is such a great language!!! It is valuable and very useful language.
Thanks for sharing.


great post,well said.
This is a very informative sharing,i will continue to read these,

my dear friend @hebrew


Hebrew is such a great language!!!Thanks for sharing.
It is valuable and very useful ancient language.

This is a wonderful video series @hebrew i really love the materials and knowledge you provide through your videos.

I am so glad to see you again sir your teachings are extracting a great wisdom for me,thank you a lot @hebrew.

This Language series is really awesome sir i like your videos a lot,thanks for spending your quality time for us.

Your videos are good they always have something new the way you make these videos is very interesting.

These symbols and videos are so cool sir these are the best online classes we can get cant ask anything more @hebrew.

Nice Blog post as i started to learn the new symbols and letters your videos are excellent sir.

sir..hebrew language is good.i want to learn it.I'm very happy to get are the best.
@resteem done for my other friends those wants to learn hebrew language

Wonderful blog post i really like learning about new letters and symbols thanks for making my day so meaningfull.

Thanks for the Hebrew this post very important lesson and useful.
your good work and great work
For your post propagation.

This is a wonderful video series @hebrew i really love the materials and knowledge you provide through your videos.

It is easy to learn make very easy way...

Your Teaching methods are really good sir you are doing a great job its a service and sharing your knowledge and caring about the people,nice Videos.

What a wonderful blog post sir you have created a different path for me i love your teachings a lot,great online resources from you.

You are a great help to learn us about hebrew language.

Dear @hebrew sir i am eagerly waiting for your hebrew language teaching post.i am a regular student at your hebrew language reading class. Thank you @hebrew sir @upvote done

Awesome blog post i really congratulate you @hebrew this is a great success and i am also learning a lot more new things,thanks for sharing.

Your blogs are magic your teachings are a revolution each and every class is a impact creates on me.

This is awesome blog post @hebrew your teachings are always amazing just loving these letters and symbols.

Your morals are great i specially love your @dtube videos they comes with great challenge as i think learning anything will be so challenging.

Thanks for the information of the Bible. the very helpful language.
such a good topic & wonderful dtube video'

Thank you @hebrew for a very interesting continuation of the study of the Hebrew language , which is one of the beautiful and wise languages of the world! I especially liked your explanation of Being and how we need to understand the actions of the snake in order to understand what is happening!

This is amazing @hebrew your lessons are really amazing the way you make this videos is simply superb.

The devil always works with half truth and disguises things at his convenience, he works with illusions so that humans do what he offers them... If it was not a snake, what was it? I understand that at that time the snakes had legs and then, when God cursed them, they began to drag.

Nice comment. I understand that maybe there were no snakes before God put then on their bellies. It would be curious that in Exodus, people were dying o serpent bites and the only thing that could cure them was looking up at a serpent raised up on a tall pole. There is a lot that I leave open for later explanation when we meet God. Thank you.

Great lesson and important language.this is valuable article.

Your teachings are always and amazing @hebrew you are really doing a great job,i love your online classes a lot.

Your online classes helping me a lot thank you so much @hebrew for the amazing videos you always provide.

Hello @hebrew your @dtube videos are amazing just try @dlive too as this is also amazing thanks for sharing these language basics with us.

Wow Brilliant work @hebrew this is the place i love most to spend my time your videos comes with great morals i have a huge respect for you sir.

Your videos are good they always have something new the way you make these videos is very interesting.I am so glad to see the videos again,have a great day sir.

Best online classes we can easily say that your are providing a knowledge hub your morals are also great @hebrew.

Thank you for this lesson.
We can definitely read now.

It will never be too late to read a new lesson of the Bible and an excellent teaching from Hebrew @hebrew, happy, many people have not read the Bible in the world and you, let me tell you that you are giving double teaching

  • your amazing Hebrew language
  • and verses of the bible, very very important
    you also give us a very interesting perspective on each verse from your point of view, your post every day I am more interested in many thanks @hebrew
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