Welcome to my DTube Hebrew reading & language series.
The full study is now on line covering the Alef-Beyt here in my blog. This is a beginners program to teach letters, vowels, and reading. The vowels are marked in this bible and are designed to help avoid confusion on what a word is and how it is pronounced. The confusion is obvious in the hundreds of interpretations globally. In modern Hebrew, only children need a niqqud or vowel marking for each letter. Old manuscripts also usually have vowels marked.
We are reading Genesis 3:15-16
There is a lot in these two verses. Take a look at the first word of verse fifteen: "v'evah" or and enmity.
Rarely if ever will you hear this word used in English, but the word Eva or Eve seems to be commonly known as the wife of the first man in several languages. I am curious whether she was called Eve to somehow equate her with enmity itself.
In Hebrew her name is "Chava" or "Hava" which at some point was interpreted as Eve.
Moving on
I have marked a key prophecy in blue that talks about the "seed of the woman" that would bruise the head of the adversary's seed, presumably a male son. Then His heel would be bruised, a matter of faith, but explained as being fulfilled at the end of Yeshua's life, when a spike was driven through His ankle / heel, and the stake was put into the head / skull at Golgotha (cover photo). Golgotha means the "place of the skull." This is a very interesting Messianic passage.
Picking apart letters
Below, I have marked several words ending with Chaf Sofit where they mean "you" in all instances. The vowel changes depending on who the "you" is. Is he talking to a male or female? If male, the pronunciation is "cha" (marked in black). But if female, it is "ach" (marked in pink).
Today's reading
This is one of the best ways to learn a language, reading and learning to understand words and word order in Hebrew while reading. Click the links below to hear the reading.
Here are the links
Please click over to DTube and read the above passage with me in Hebrew.
▶️ DTube
Note: my pronunciation of The Name as Yehovah is explained more fully in Genesis 2, DTube Video #2 and the coinciding audio is linked here.
If you are just starting, my lessons are all here starting at Alef, adding vowels (the dots and lines) as we go, the sofit formations and numerical values. Just go to my blog and scroll to the bottom or click here
Get your Hebrew Bible now!
Click here to obtain the book we are using. It is a free download - or browser usable.
Thanks for taking the time to watch and read.
It's a good lesson of Genesis 3:15-16 and with that Dtube, you made a valuable reading material as well! In last week I was little bit confused by the HF 20, so today is the first time I am, actively reading what I missed so far!@hebrew,
I have read the ivrit language and i think it is just awesome.
Wow simply superb videos @hebrew i like your classes a lot thanks for being with us again.
A great lesson, my friend and your interpretation of Genesis in Hebrew gives me a better understanding of your language, which is one of the sacred languages in the world. Thank you @hebrew
This is a special post from you @hebrew like your short humor stories i am great fan of your online classes sir,i am glad to be your student.
Interestingly, Eva sounds different in your language, thank you, this is all new to me. Interesting to read.
Excellent blog post sir great video i am glad to have your video classes again sir,the videos you produce are really good @hebrew.
Eva or eve is very common name in english . In Hebrew it called chava or hava . It is also very similar to eva . Shabbat shalom
Good lesson of week ..
Shabbat shalom
Thank you for the lesson @hebrew and the way you teach me your language, introduces me more and more to the book of Genesis and how to understand everything in Hebrew, the language of wisdom!
Shabbat Shalom from Toronto. Very good Lesson ... upvoted with my 74% Mana
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Your online classes helping me a lot thank you so much @hebrew for the amazing videos you always provide.
Excellent to cover the Genesis 3:15-16 nice to learn from you always missed out on this one but finally covered it up :)
Really interesting lesson, thanks, I learn a lot
I learn very much from ur classes . Every time u come with a gud topic which is very curious to know and learn from it .thanks for ur classes @hebrew
Great post, great explanations the male and female pronunciation, also amaizing your d tube video, thanks.
Good lesson on Hebrew words. Good description on cha and ach. Shabbat shalom
שיעורים טובים מאוד למדתי הרבה ממנו. תודה רבה על שיתוף איתנו.
Thank you for the lessons, and what you are doing. I'm trying to learn with pleasure
Thank you for coming back to your beloved steemit family sir, we all were waiting for you and you can see that from the number of comments you got on your post sir @hebrew.
A very thoughtful and exemplary way of teaching. Thank you very much for sharing @hebrew!
Better description and explain indeed most interesting to read & watch post sharing @hebrew. Longer to read extra ordinary contexts here. Nice you decided to share. God bless you.
waiting for next article,thank's for sharing and giving opportunity to learn@hebrew
Glad to see you back sir, Thanks for teaching us about river and others work, your way of teaching is impressive.
I do not think that I will have the opportunity to visit your holy land, but I like to read your lessons. Very interesting, thank you for your work.
Bendecido viernes, llego mi lección favorita, gracias @hebrew
always i like your post.your post learning and helpfull
you are become a good teacher. @hebrew
Hebrew is an ancient language in the world. I know about hebrew language by my dear @hebrew sir I am lucky to be follower of you @hebrew sir
Nice project, on teaching hebrew :)
Thanks to put it this simple and easy on line covering to understand for everybody.
you are doing an amazing job sir in teaching us hebrew language with these tutorials, thank you so much , i'm upvoting and resteeming this postl
Awesome Dtube!
Very enjoyable teaching to enjoy. Thanks for sharing, sir.
Glad to receive your hebrew tutorials per week without delay. Some steemians going to learn hebrew language with your kind assistance. That's really grateful blog post @hebrew.
שבת שלום לכולם
Shabath shalom 🦋🐛🐙🐳🐋🐬🧚♂️🌹😊
as always it is a pleasure to read his post, which end up being of great intellectual contribution and of understanding to the word of God. it seems the name given to a woman in the beginning was only woman is to say the opposite of man simply, even that it is something curious that at the same time calling her eva is so perfect for being wonderful and perfect maas
very good your publications every day I learn more about your classes besides I also learn about the word of God.
This is very important lesson and important language.this is valuable post. it is great writing.good work . good reading Genesis 3:15-16
Have a great day. Thanks @hebrew
Great post sir .I m a huge fan of u.I love ur classes. Proud to be ur student sir.
I love it . I watch d tubes video it's simple and very good for study languages.
Thanks for sharing
Posted using Partiko Android
A great lesson, my friend and your interpretation of Genesis in Hebrew gives me a better understanding of your language, which is one of the sacred languages in the world. Thank you @hebrew
i reed your full post..wow thats awesome history..really verry good post.I have read the ivrit language and i think it is just awesome..
very effective way to teach an ancient language...
It's a good lesson of Genesis 3:15-16 and with that Dtube, you made a valuable reading material as well! In last week I was little bit confused by the HF 20, so today is the first time I am, actively reading what I missed so far!
A great lesson, my friend and your interpretation of Genesis in Hebrew gives me a better understanding of your language, which is one of the sacred languages in the world. Thank you @hebrew
I have read the ivrit language and i think it is just awesome.
Wow simply superb videos @hebrew i like your classes a lot thanks for being with us again.
my fiancee teaching me hebrew also
Thank you for the lessons, and what you are doing. I'm trying to learn with pleasure
A great lesson, my friend and your interpretation of Genesis in Hebrew gives me a better understanding of your language, which is one of the sacred languages in the world. Thank you @hebrew
Amazing videos @hebrew good job
Posted using Partiko Android