When the people of Israel were dispersed, the oral Hebrew was still taught but was influenced by the cultures among whom they were living. When I began my studies, I found teachers who all seemed to have a tint of where they had learned from. You could say that they had an 'accent' in the way they read during class.
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You mean like when they were living among the jebusite? Ammonite? Cannanite? Were they influenced also by their way of life?
It has been a while since I was in that part of the Bible. I thought they were supposed to take over those peoples and break the idols.
There are so many examples of Israel mixing and intermarrying with other peoples after being warned against it.
On many Archaeological sites in Israel they are finding small "Asherah" statues - in almost every home. So yes this Canaanite Female Goddess was difficult to purge from the idols that existed in this part of the World. However there are references in the Zohar that compare Ashera to Shekhinah - the Feminine aspect of the One True God. More study is needed. https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/ancient-cultures/ancient-israel/asherah-and-the-asherim-goddess-or-cult-symbol/....